Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday 26th August, Cancelled

Wauchope  Men’s Veterans Golf Club


Wauchope  Men’s Veterans Golf Club, Single Stableford event was cancelled today 26th August,  because of the weather, there were a few hearty souls turned up to play, in between showers 6 players decided to give it a go. I wimped out, deciding not to get my feet wet.

John Patrick Prestige Cars were to be the sponsors today, I have transferred that sponsorship to Tuesday 9th September, the 2 Man Ambrose, AGM, shotgun start.

Next week is Week of Golf, the game held on Tuesday is Wauchope  Men’s Golf Club usual Thursday event as W.O.G. has taken over Thursday and Friday

Next game is Tuesday 9th September  2014, the event is a 2 Man Ambrose sponsored by John Patrick Prestige Cars, followed by the AGM and BBQ lunch.
Thursday 21st August 9 Hole Stableford Results. 40 players

Winners: Kevin Miller 23 points, Ray Knapp  22 points, Keith Dickinson  21 points 
Nearest the Pin: Rod Allen (1.85m)
Ball rundown to 16 points c/b
20 points: Garry Slattery
19 points: Rod Allen, John Brent
18 points: Adrian Stagg, Dennis Hughes
17 points: Justin Newberry, Russell Harris, Gordon Miller
16 points c/b: Syd Stewart, Doug Currey, Charlie Langham

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