Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday 7th April 2015, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 7th  April 2015, Single Stableford
67 players

Wauchope experienced more rain during the weekend, the course was too wet to allow carts, which meant we had a much reduced field

Div. 1 (0-20) Winners : Alan Brooke (20) 40 points, David Crees (20) 38 points 
                                       Tony McCarthy (13) 37 points c/b

Div.2 (21-36) Winners  : Graeme McLauchlan (24) 38 points, John Corcoran    
                                         (27)  37 points c/b, Greg Stewart (22) 37 points

Ball rundown to 33 points c/b, 

Ball Winners:
37 points: Eric Cork
36 points: Philip Raraty, Rod Allen, Kelvin Kelly
35 points: Allan Elliott, Roy Stokes
34 points: John Ford, Derek Hall, Ken Gallie, Bill Studeman
33 points c/b: Ian Bain, Rod Millican, Alby Weda, Gavin Price

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Tony McCarthy (2.6m),  B Grade, Gary Smith (4.4m)
               C Grade, No Winner

18th hole, A Grade, Allan Elliott (2.4m), B Grade, Greg Stewart (1.84m),
                 C Grade, Fred Ertl (6.47m)
Next week’s event, Tuesday 14th  April 2015  The event is a Best 2 of 4 Stableford, sponsored by Glenn Regan

Today's Winners l to r: Alan Brooke, Greg Stewart, David Crees

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