Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekly update 21.09

Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golfers

Next Tuesday  23rd September the event is a Single Stroke, Bi-Monthly Medal, as usual in conjunction is Putting Competition sponsored by Al Muller and Bill Wagner, thank you very much. Also is Round 5 of the Eclectic, which is sponsored by Dennis Hughes and John Uncle, thank you. Looking at the booking sheet, there are 8 spots available if you are looking for a game. Also when you are booking in for Tuesday 6th October, you will notice it is an 8:30am Shotgun start, with visitors from Kew Golf Club booked in. The event is a Single Stableford contesting for Wal Sneddon Shield.
Tuesday  30th September is the Foursome Championships (conditions apply, see Club Championships in the Fixture Book)

Last Wednesday the Bill Medley Shield Round was at Frederickton Golf Club, or as it is known in some circles “Royal Fredo”. It was my first visit and what a pleasant surprise it was. The course looked a picture and played similar. The greens must rate with the best in the district. Wauchope caught up 8 points on Port Macquarie and now need 22 points in the last round at South West Rocks in October to topple Port. The rundown of scores after Frederickton is Port Macquarie  1404 points, Wauchope 1383 points, Kew 1358 points, South West Rocks 1356 points, Frederickton 1337 points, Kempsey 1314 points, Crescent Head Unsure of the exact count).
 Frederickton and South West Rocks topped the day with 252 points each. It is close, so we need as many players as possible to nominate to go to South West Rocks and give Dennis a wide range to select the team from. I may have confused people with the date for SWR, it is Friday 24th October, put that date in your diary, and come up and play at SWR and see if we can win the Bill Medley Shield. Congratulations to Dennis Hughes on the good job he did in selecting the team for Fredo, it is not an easy task.
Individual results involving our players, John Baker had 43 points and won the day on a countback from a Port player, Bruce Amey 40 points,  Ross Bird 39 points (now you see why I liked it), Daryl Morrow and Ralph Newall 38 points, the ball rundown to 37 points. Ralph Newall won the Nearest the pin on the 7th Hole.
Dates to remember coming up:
Tuesday 30th September  Veteran Men’s Foursomes Championships
Tuesday 7th October, Wal Sneddon Shield at Wauchope
Friday 24th October, Bill Medley Shield at South West Rocks
Friday 21st November  Bus Trip to Nambucca Island Golf Course

Sorry, I forgot to get the Thursday results when I played on Saturday.
Good golfing!

Ross Bird


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