Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday 16th September 2014, Single Stableford

Wauchope Mens Vets competition Results


Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club conducted  a Single Stableford/Lefties V Righties in conjunction on Tuesday 16th September 2014. 133 players enjoyed the beautiful weather, and the event  was sponsored by Fredo’s  Meats

Winners :
 A Grade: 1st, Jim Thompson 40 pts, runner up on c/b Warren Brentnal 40 pts. 3rd, Tony Scriven 39 pts.
B Grade: John Gardiner 43 pts, Runner up Geoffery Collins 42pts, 3rd: Allan Brooke 41 pts.
C grade: 1st Ted Edwards 44 pts, runner up John Brent 40pts, 3rd: Gordon Miller 39pts

Nearest the Pins: 4th: A grade, Mick Ashley( 2.85) B grade Barry Watson (2.1) C Grade: Keith Dickinson (3.91)
18th: A Grade, Bob Baker (2.05) B grade: Ken Bennett (2.24) C grade: Gordon Miller (4.75)

Ball rundown to 35 pts giving 38 winners in total.

Ball Rundown

40 points: Bill Wagner

39 points: Ross Bird, Peter Kime, John Singleton

38 points: Tony McCarthy, Glenroy Smith, Bob Baker, Garry McDonald,
                 Les Wren

37 points: Colin Hassall, Doug Currey, Mike Sheldon, Ken Griffin, Bob Dark,
                 Ian Bain, Rob Cannon, Kelvin Kelly

36 points: Ivan Ashley, John Gray, Bruce Walker, Terry Payne, John Uncle,
                 Bob Maggs, Doug Connell, Geoff Todd, Russell Spooner, Terry Flood,       
                 David Pilley

35 points: David Crees, Victor Riley, Ian Hackney, Mick Privett, Barry Sligar,
                 Warren Andrews, Bruce Wilson, Barry Watson, Dennis Hughes,
                 Mal Potter   

Lefties & Righties comp was won by the lefties +1
Gavin price accepted the shield on behalf of the lefties team.

Next week’s event, Tuesday 23rd September is the Bi Monthly Medal.
Interested in joining the Wauchope vets, contact Captain Ross Bird 65821474.

Photo Captions:

Ross Bird congratulates “Lefties”  captain Gavin Price and hands over the trophy shield.

Stableford winners:

L to R John Brent, Warren Brentnall,  Gordon Miller  &  Allan Brooke

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