Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weekly Update 14th Sept. 2014

Wauchope Men's Veterans Golf Club Weekly Update 14th Sept. 2014

Next Tuesday 16/9 is a Single Stableford sponsored by Fredo’s Meat. Inconjunction, will be the Lefties versus Righties Competition for the Shield. The teams will be selected prior to the start of play on Tuesday and will be displayed on the Whiteboard in the club. Gavin Price is the Selector for the Lefties and I will select the Righties Team. Looking at the start sheet on the computer, there are no spots available at the moment for Tuesday, if for some reason your name is still there and you know you are not playing, please take it off to allow others to play.

Last Tuesday the AGM was held, there was a very good attendance. (I suppose having the BBQ after the  AGM had nothing to do with the attendance). The Committee for 2014-15 is President Peter Abell, Vice President Rod Millican, Secretary John Jokantas, Treasurer Quenton Henry, Captain Ross Bird, Vice Captain Dennis Hughes, Director, Week of Golf John Uncle,Sponsor Manager Graham Haggerty, Card Management Arthur Hoare and Kevin Lowndes, Publicity Manager Graham Ferguson, Welfare Mal Potter, General Committee John Hough. Stepping down this year is David Pilley from the Secretary role and Don Waugh from the Welfare Role. Thank you very much to both David and Don for all the hours and work you have exerted for the Wauchope Mens Veteran Golfers, thank you. Welcome to the new members of the team.

Also at the meeting there was a motion put to change the ball rundown from grades to across the field, the motion was tabled and spoken to by Dennis Hughes, Ross Bird spoke against the motion, Ron Dixon spoke for the motion. There was a vote of hands and the motion was carried. From next Tuesday the Ball rundown will be across the field rather than in grades, so the result sheet will look a little different.

The Bill Medley Shield round will be held at Frederickton next Wednesday 17th, Wauchope have 16 starters, of which Dennis Hughes will be selecting a team. I have the Hit-off times, I will email to those people on email, it is also on display in the Club. Good luck to all the players.

Thursday 11th September 9 Hole Stableford Results  (42 starters)

Winners: Paul Stewart 20 points c/b, Ian Bain 20 points c/b, Collin Hassall 20 points c/b
Nearest the Pin: Ian Bain 3.6m
Ball rundown to 17 points
20 points: Gary Duncan
19 points: Randal Langham, Roy Stokes, Terry Morrison, Russell Harris, Ken Bennett
18 points: Ken Gallie, John G Baker, Dennis Hughes, Bob Baker
17 points: Norm Smith, Stuart Murrell

Dates to remember coming up:
Wednesday  17th September Bill Medley Shield at Frederickton
Tuesday 30 th September  Veteran Men’s Foursomes Championships
Tuesday 7th October, Wal Sneddon Shield at Wauchope
Friday 21st November  Bus Trip to Nambucca Island Golf Course
Good Golfing!



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