Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday 21st October 2014, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 21st October 2014, Single Stableford

123 players,
The event was sponsored by Street Smart Clothing, Wauchope.

###Ron Dixon had 39 points today, which means he shot his age for the 104th time, Ron is 93 years old

A Grade Winners : Kevin Wilcox (17) 42 points, Bruce Wilson (10) 41 points c/b,                                                           Geoff Hosking (11)  41 points

B Grade Winners  : Bill Wagner (22) 43 points, Phil Raraty (20) 41 points,
                                 Neil Clancy (21) 40 points c/b

 C Grade Winners  : Allan Smith (36) 43 points, Terry Seach (25) 41 points,  
                                 Peter Jaye (27) 40 points

Ball rundown to 36 points c/b,  Ball Winners:

40 points: John Singleton, John Brent, Mick Ashley

39 points: Vic Riley, Warren Andrews, Geoff Collins, Mike Sheldon, Ron Dixon,                   
                 David Pettit, Ian Bain

38 points: David Cairns, Ron Johnston, John Jokantas, Doug Connell,
                Dennis Morton, Rod Millican, Fred Ertl, Scott Mackenzie

37 points: Warren Leece, Alan Rudd, Neil Jeffcott, Mick Privett, Rod Allen,
                 Bill Sharp

36 points c/b: John Willis, Gavin Price, Keith Dickinson, Jon Ward,
                       Kerry Galloway, Ken Griffin, Neil Hilder, Graham White,
                       Darryl Morrow, Peter Maher

 Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, A Grade,Neil Hilder (1.53m),  B Grade, John Jokantas (2.7m),
C Grade, Eric Drury (1.62m).

18th hole, A Grade, John Singleton  (1.46m), B Grade, Geoff Kennedy (1.14m),
C Grade, Alan Rudd (0.42m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 28 October 2014,  The event is a Best 2 of 4 Stableford sponsored by The Orchid Restaurant

 Winners for 21 Oct. 14 L to R
Geoff Hosking, Kevin Wilcox, Phil Raraty, Neil Clancy, Bruce Wilson.

(Not present: Bill Wagner, Allan Smith Terry Seech, Peter Jaye.)

Thursday 16th October 2014 9 Hole Single Stableford Results. 51 players

Winners: Bruce Anderson 21 points c/b, Paul Hassab 21 points c/b,  
                Terry Bernutt 21 points c/b.

Nearest the Pin: John Hill 2.84m

Ball rundown to 18 points:
21 points: Warren Brentnall
20 points: Doug Currey, Glen Regan, Russell Harris, Phil Raraty
19 points: Keith Dickinson, Neil Hilder, Phil Elliott, Kevin Miller
18 points: Ian Bain, Darryl Morrow, Ken Lane, Justin Newberry, Ray Knapp,
                John Schubert, Syd Stewart, Alan Ninnes

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