Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday 14th October 2014, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 14th October 2014, Single Stableford

78 players,

The event was sponsored by Hastings Co-Operative Ltd.

Rain poured down at about 12 noon, it flooded the greens, most players who were still on the course retired, there were players who finished. Because there were only 78 players the divisions were reduced to two. A Grade 0-19, B Grade 20-36

A Grade Winners : Bob Maggs (12) 36 points c/b, Mick Ashley (10) 36 points, Neil Jeffcott (19)  35 points

B Grade Winners  : Kevin Miller (22) 43 points, Graham Ferguson (23) 36 points, Bill Marchment (32) 35 points c/b

Ball rundown to 26 points,  Ball Winners:
35 points: Neil Clancy
34 points: Ken Gallie, Roy Stokes, Les Wren, Jon Barnaby, Rod Millican
33 points: Geoff Hosking
32 points: John O’Callaghan
31 points: Phil Raraty, Peter Abell, Don Brennan, Ron Johnston, Mal Potter
30 points: Garry Slattery
29 points: Bob Baker, John Baker, Ian Bain, John Jokantas, Alan Cleaver
28 points: Stephen Gallagher, Ken Bennett, John Singleton, Barry Sligar,
                 Neil Hilder, Bob Morgan
27 points: Allan Lynch, Russell Spooner
26 points: John Uncle, Jim Thompson, Jeff Palmer

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Scott Mackenzie (2.79m),  B Grade, Bill Dixon (4.51m),
C Grade, John Corcoran (3.6m).

18th hole, A Grade, Mick Ashley  (2.4m), B Grade, Jim Bransdon(7.09m),
C Grade, Bill Marchment (23m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 21st October 2014,  The event is a Single Stableford sponsored by Street Smart Clothing, Wauchope.

Three of the days winners congratulate each other on their success.

L to R Mick Ashley, Graham Ferguson, Bob Maggs.

Not present, Neil Jeffcott, Kevin Miller, and Bill Marchment.

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