Sunday, July 20, 2014

Wauchope Men's Vets weekly update 20.07

A number of items to cover today, it is good to be on the computer when it is so cold outside.

I would start with, we have large field on Tuesday 22nd July it is a full field, which means there will be conjestion at the Pro Shop to get started etc. If you are able to pick up cards for more than one person, please do so, be there a little earlier than usual etc, you all know it better than I do.  It is an 8:30am shotgun start, we would like all groups ready to go when the siren is sounded. The competition is a Single Stableford.
Tuesday 22nd you would be booking ahead for 5th August, this is the day we need to move our competition to Kempsey because Wauchope is not available to us.  There will not be a nomination page on the computer, so those playing on that day need to nominate on the sheet on the Vets noticeboard or later Tuesday on the table.

We won the Harri-Hope Shield !!!!!!!   Twenty very dedicated golfers travelled to Harrington Waters on Friday 18th to contest the second leg of the Harri-Hope Shield. The first leg was held at Wauchope earlier in the year and gave us a good start of 50 points ahead. As it turned out the wind was so strong and cold, it was to our advantage. There were only 4 scores of 30 and above for the day, almost all in the 20s. We won the shield 307 to 288 points and will hold it until next year. Darryl Morrow was successful in winning A grade with Rod Millican coming 3rd in A grade. It was certainly not a pleasant day for golf, thank you to everybody who nominated, they all turned up and played, it shows the spirit of the club. (There are a couple of photos on the blog of presentation etc. )

I have Tuncurry hit-off times for 28th July, I will email them to individuals tonight and confirm Bus travellers and Bus times.

Kempsey Bill Medley Shield 25th July,  times have been emailed and are on the vets board.
Port Macquarie Bill Medley Shield is on Monday 11th August, It is a 9:00am Shotgun Start (Check-in 8:30am) Cost is $20 (includes gourmet hamburger or sandwich). Sheet is on the board or on Tuesday on the table.

Also in August is Monday 26th,  the Wal Sneddon Shield at Kew. There are no nomination sheets out yet, just so you can plan.
Wauchope Week of Golf is on Thursday /Friday 4th and 5th September. The nomination sheet will be open to locals in the next couple of weeks, I will inform you of more as I get it.

That should fill the diary up to the 1st week of September.

There is no Thursday results because it was too cold on Saturday for me to play!
Good golfing!

Darryl Morrow receiving his prize for 1st in A grade
Rod Millican receiving his prize for 3rd in A grade
One golfer who really tried his heart out for the team!!!
You would be forgiven if you thought it was  Tumut, but no it was Harrington Waters on Friday

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