Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wauchope Men's Vets weekly update 13.07

Weekly Update

Tuesday 15th July is the Bi-Monthly Medal, Single Stroke, also putting competition and 5th Round of the Ecclectic. The Putting Competition is sponsored by Al Muller and Bill Wagner, the Ecclectic is sponsored by Dennis Hughes and John Uncle. Looking at the time sheet there are 13 timeslots vacant, so get in now, if you are looking for a game on Tuesday.

I have cleaned the Men’s Vets locker out and there are a number of golfing items that have been lost over the years, I will place the plastic bag with these items in it at the table inside the Club when I get there on Tuesday, take what you want, what is left at the end of Tuesday will be disposed of.

The Kempsey Bill Medley Nominations have been sent to them, it is on Friday 25th July, 9:00am Shotgun Start, Check in by 8:30am, I will keep you informed of any news I receive from Kempsey. It is a good response with 23 players nominating.

The names have been sent off to Harrington for the Harri-Hope Shield on Friday 18th July, This is not a shotgun start, so I expect I will receive names and tee times tomorrow or I will be calling them. There are 20 players nominated.
The trip to Tuncurry on Monday 28th June is popular. There is a bus organised, there are still seats available at $5 per person. There are about 23 players nominated. So we get there in time to enjoy a cuppa and scones before hitting off, the bus will leave Emerald Downs at 6:00am, Blackbutt at  6:15am, Donut at 6:30am, Ghost Rd at 6:30am. This is not a shotgun start, we will receive tee times, I expect by 22nd July, there are about 24 nominations.

Thursday 10th July 9 Hole Stableford Results.

Winners: Kevin Miller 20 points, Lester Thurgate 19 points c/b

Nearest the pin: Paul Stewart 3.10m
Ball rundown to 17 points
Ball Winners
19 points: Ian Bain, Allan Harris
18 points: Syd Stewart, Rod Allen
17 points: Bill Brown, John Shaw, Barry Freeman, Alan Cleaver, Randal Langham
Tuesday  22nd July is an 8:30am Shotgun Start, Wingham Vets are visiting us with about 28 players. It is a Single Stableford

 Good Golfing


Ross Bird

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