Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 2nd February 2021, Single Stableford
114 players
Division 1
Winners: John Nehme 38 points, Kerry
Galloway 36 points c/b,
Alby Weda 36
points c/b
Division 2 Winners: Bob Baker 36 points, Ray Radcliffe 32 points
Bainbridge 32 points c/b
3 Winners: Gary Walker 38 points c/b, John Jokantas 38
Wagner 35 points
Division 4
Winners: Graham Ferguson 33 points c/b, Tony Ward 33 points,
Privett 31 points c/b
Div.1 Ball rundown
to 32 points c/b:
36 points: Ian Haddow
35 points: David Robinson
34 points: David Pettitt, Dennis Hughes, Brian Hughes, Roy
32 points c/b: Gary Duncan, David Flinter
Div.2 Ball rundown
to 30 points :
32 points: Eric Cork
31 points: David Baker, Bill Studeman
30 points: Neil
Jeffcott, Kevin Wilcox, Graham Last, Michael Sheldon
Div.3 Ball rundown to 32 nett:
34 points: Con
Mylonas, Bob Spratford
33 points: Mick
Kirwan, David Martin
32 points: John
Div.4 Ball rundown
to 29 points:
31 points: George Stace, Glenroy Smith
30 points: Barry Sligar, Bernie Quain, Tony Leddiman, Mal
29 points: Alan Rudd, Russell Spooner
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1 John Nehme 1.73cm, Div.2, Bob
Baker 3.7m, Div.3, Gary Walker 1.22m,
No Winner
7th Hole: Div.1 Brian Hughes 4.75m, Div.2 Eric
Cork 4.28m
10th Hole 2nd shot: Div.3 Peter Jaye 0.74m
Div. 4 Ken Lane 8.3m
18th Hole: Div.1 Ian Haddow 4.3m, Div.2, Bob
Baker 13.8m, Div.3, Phil Bushe 5.66m,
Div.4, Tony Ward 4.97m
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