Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 19th January 2021, 4BBB Stableford + Singles
118 players
Winners: Gary Warren & Stephen Taylor 45 point
Runner-up: Bill Dixon
& Bill Studeman 44 points
Third: David Flinter
& Con Mylonas 43 points
4th: Ray
Smith & Graham McLaughlan 42 points c/b
Singles Winners: Div.1, Dennis Hughes 36 points, Div.2,
Derek Hall 37 points c/b,
Div.3, Leigh
Glasspell 40 points, Div.4, Graham Ferguson 37 points
Ball rundown to 40
42 points : Ralph Newall/Graham Ferguson, David
Pettitt/Graham Last, David Martin/John Purnell
Fred Ertl/Edd Pimlott, Rod Allen/Dennis Hughes, Allan Lynch/Allan
41 points: Bruce Wilson/Mick Kirwan, Tony Zanon/Mal
Rasmussen, Derek Hall/Terry Bernutt,
Larry Armytage/John Nehme, Russell Spooner/David Crees,
Leigh Glasspell/Fred Hollingsworth
40 points: John Jokantas/Peter Abell, Ian Haddow/Mick
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1
Dennis Hughes 0.64m, Div.2, John Purnell 2.01m, Div.3 Peter Abell 7.4m
Div.4, Bill Jordon.
7th Hole :
Div. 1, Allan Elliott 3.13m, Div.2, Graham Last 6.85m
10th Hole:
Div.3, Mike Kirwan 4.5m, Div. 4 Ken Lane 3.98m
18th Hole:
Div.1, David Pettitt 2.19m, Div.2, Derek Hall 12.5m, Div.3, Matt Bugg 3.26m
Div.4, Ross Bird 6.2m
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