Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tuesday 16th June 2020, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 16th June 2020, Single Stableford
116 players
Sponsored by Ken Little Fruit & Veg Port Macquarie

Division 1 Winners: Alan Cockburn 41 points,  David Cairns 36 points,
                                     Michael Fraser  34 points c/b
Division 2 Winners:  Ken Bennett 40 points, Warren Perry 38 points c/b,
                                      Michael Sheldon 38 points
                                       Robert Toone 33 points c/b

Division 4 Winners:  George Stace 36 points,  Ian Cameron  35 points c/b,
                                      Peter Maher  35 points

Div.1 Ball rundown to 31 points:
34 points: Rod Allen
32 points: Mick Ashley, David Robinson, Alex Arthur
31 points: Rod Millican, Jim Thompson, David Flinter

Div.2 Ball rundown to 32 points c/b :
35 points: Alan Bushe
34 points: Bob Dark, Phil Raraty, John Hill, Paul Martin
33 points:  Ken Gallie
32 points c/b: Julius Dellicastelli, Leigh Glasspell

33 points: Peter Jaye,
32 points c/b: Bob Spratford, Chris Kemp, Terry Seach, Graham Ward, Evan Cunningham, Bill Wagner

Div.4 Ball rundown to 29 points:
34 points: Fred Ertl,
32 points: Graham Haggerty, Tony Ward
31 points: Terry Flood
30 points: Ted Sala, David Martin
29 points: Doug Connell

Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div. 1, Alex Arthur 1.21m, Div.2, Paul Martin 6.42m, Div.3, Tony McWhirter 5>00m
18th Hole: Div.1 Rod Millican 0.74m, Div.2, Neil Jeffcott 1.81m, Div.3 John Ford 3.68m,
                  Div.4,Ray Smith 4.27m

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