Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Tuesday 2nd June 2020, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 2nd June 2020, Single Stableford
113 players
Sponsored by Quality Discount Vitamins, Port Macquarie
First Vets game since March because of COVID-19

Division 1 Winners: Kel Kelly 38 points,  Neil Gavin 37 points,
                                     Richard Riley 36 points c/b
Division 2 Winners:  Bob Dark 39 points c/b, John Bainbridge 39 points,
                                      Bruce Amey 37 points c/b
                                       Chris Kemp  34 points

Division 3 Winners:  Barry Sligar 38 points,  Allan Hoy  37 points,
                                      Gary Cook 34 points

Div.1 Ball rundown to 33 points:
36 points: Bruce Wilson
35 points: Larry Armytage
34 points: Dennis Hughes, Kerry Galloway, Allan Elliott
33 points: David Flinter, Bob Maggs, David Cairns

Div.2 Ball rundown to 32 points :
37 points: John Jokantas
36 points: Gary Murrell, Neil Jeffcott
34 points:  Ken Gallie, Quenton Henry, David Mills
32 points: Bill Studeman

33 points: Ralph Lindeman, Rex Munro, John Walters  
32 points c/b: David Crees, Bill Wagner, Matt Bugg, Peter Jaye

Div.4 Ball rundown to 31 points:
33 points: Terry Flood, Des McCammon
32 points: Russell Spooner, Gary Hinson
31 points: Tony Ward

Nearest the Pins
There is no Nearest the pins, as they need to be measured by your own tape measure and written on your own card.

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