Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 5th February 2019, Single Stableford
145 players
Harrington visit to Wauchope 1st Leg 2019 Harri-Hope Shield
After 1st Leg Harrington 366, Wauchope 381
Division 1
Winners: Neil Hilder39 points, Bob
Maggs 38 points,
Smth 38 points c/b (Harr.)
Division 2
Winners: Phil Raraty 41 points, Paul
Booth 40 points (Harr.),
Peter Hawley 38 points (Harr.)
Division 3
Winners: Barry Sligar 40 points,
Ted Sala 37 points c/b,
Lindeman 37 points
Div.1 Ball rundown
to 34 points c/b:
38 points: Alan Cockburn
37 points: Richard Pierce, Rod Allen, Dennis Hughes
36 points: Warren Andrews, Russell Harris
35 points: Jim Thompson, Rod Millican, John Singleton, Kenn
Brown, Larry Armytage, Allan Hobbs (H)
34 points c/b: Bruce Amey
Div.2 Ball rundown to 34 points c/b :
37 points: Harry Overton (H), Graeme Muddle (H), Mick Kirwan
36 points: Graham Smith (H), Evan Cunningham, Frog Tener (H)
35 points: Peter Kime, Ralph Newall, John Scott (H), John
Gardner, Ton kundicvic, Terry Seach,
34 points c/b: Greg Stewart
Div.3 Ball rundown to 31 points c/b :
34 points: George Stace
33 points: Russell Spooner, Keith Howell (H), Tony McWhirter, Tony Zanon, Geoff Hazell (H)
32 points: Keith Collins (H), Doug Connell, Terry Flood, Jon
Ward, Derek Foster, Peter Maher
31 points c/b: John Doherty, Peter Braz (H)
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1
Garry Duncan 2.03m, Div.2 Fred Bridge 2.05m, Div.3 Geoff Hazell (H) 4.00m
7th Hole: Div. 1 David Cairns 3.21m, Div.2 Fred Bridge 2.63m
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3, Peter Hawley (H)
18th Hole: Div.1
Rod Millican 1.23m, Div.2 Ralph
Newall 0.63m, Div.3 Ralph Lindeman 7.4m
Next Week, Tuesday 12th February, Single Stableford
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