Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday 29th January2019, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 29th January2019, Single Stableford
125 players

Division 1 Winners: Norm Marchant 41 points, David Robinson 40 points, 
                                    Dennis Huighes 39 points

Division 2 Winners:  Bob Spratford 40 points, Terry Payne 39 points c/b,
                                     Bob Dark 39 points

Division 3 Winners:  Russell Spooner 39 points, Peter Maher 37 points,
                                      Jim Bransdon 36 points 

Div.1 Ball rundown to 35 points c/b:
38 points: Kerry Galloway, Neil Jeffcott
37 points: Quenton Henry, Robert Muir
36 points: Warren Andrews, Tony McCarthy  
35 points c/b: Richard Pierce, John Purnell, Bob Maggs, Alby Weda, Rod Allen, Rod Millican

Div.2 Ball rundown to 34 points c/b :
39 points:  Don Hooker
36 points: Peter Abell, John Doherty, Shane Bentley
35 points: John Nehme, Mick Privett, Fred Bridge, Bruce Walker, Phil Raraty
34 points c/b: Ross Bird, Tony Kundicevic

Div.3 Ball rundown to 33 points :
35 points:  Glenn Reagan, Bob Morgan, Gordon Christie, Graham Haggerty, John O’Callaghan,
                    Jeff Tinsley
34 points:  Geoff Kennedy
33 points: Doug Connell, Bernie Stoertzer, Norm Smith

Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1  Gary Duncan 1.51m, Div.2 Quenton Henry 2.13m, Div.3  Graham Haggerty 2.6m
7th Hole: Div. 1  Ian Lavender 1.04m, Div.2  John Nehme 2.82m
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3, Gary Hinson  3.52m
18th Hole: Div.1, Alby Weda  1.66m, Div.2, John Purnell  4.2m, Div.3, Peter Maher  2.94m

Next Week, Tuesday 5th February 2019, Single Stableford, visit by Harrington Men’s Vets for 1st leg 
                       of  the Harri-Hope Shield in 2019. 8:00am Shotgun start

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