Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday 2nd June 2015, Best 2 of 4 Multiplier Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 2nd  June 2015, Best 2 of 4 Multiplier Stableford
The event was sponsored by Lotus at Lighthouse Chinese Restaurant

The day was also a Memorial Day for Past Captain Neil Grant, all the players stopped playing at 11:00am to observe a minutes reflection on the person Neil, who passed away 1 year ago. Our thoughts are with the man everybody called “The Gentleman”

Winners : Kevin Miller, John Baker, Bert Splithof, Tony Ward, 129 points

Runners Up  : Rob Canon, Fred Ertl, Russell Spooner, David Crees 120 points

Third  : Neil Clancy, Peter Mansfield, Mick Privett, Don Brennan  115 points

 Ball Winners: To 87 points

113 points: Darryl Morrow, Roy Stokes, Tony McCarthy, John Hill

 99  points: Kerry Galloway, Bob Baker, Max Gatenby, Ralph Lindeman

 92  points: Stephen Gallagher, Laurie Field, Vic Riley, Ron Johnston

                   Garry Slattery, Allan Elliott, John Corcoran, John Gardner

 91  points: Rod Allen, Dennis Hughes, Derek Foster, Peter Brown

                   Quenton Henry, Derek Hall, Warren Leece, Peter Sciberras

                   Graham Cumming, Bob Dark, Gordon Christie, Allan Smith

 88  points: Terry Seach, Charlie Langham, David Martin, Richard Pierce

 87  points: Bruce Wilson, Mike Kirwan, Ken Griffin, David Pettit

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Gary Wales (2.1m),  B Grade, John Jokantas (2.08m)
               C Grade, Ted Edwards (5.9m).

18th hole, A Grade, Warren Andrews (2.15m), B Grade, Ralph Lindeman (1.75m),
                C Grade, Steve Gallagher (8.4m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 9th June 2015  The event is a Single Stableford

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