Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday 24th March 2015, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 24th  March 2015, Single Stableford

57 players

There were no carts allowed on the course, because of the deluge Wauchope copped on the weekend. It was preferred lies through the green and bunkers were out of play

Division 1 Winners : Ian Bain (13) 46 points, Kelvin Kelly (13) 40 points 
                                    Eric Cork (18) 39 points c/b

Division 2 Winners  : Graeme McLauchlan (24) 39 points, Ralph Newall (22) 38   
                                     points,  David Crees (22) 36 points c/b

Ball rundown to 35 points, 

Ball Winners:
39 points: Jim Thompson, Tony Scriven
38 points: Michael Sheldon
37 points: Quenton Henry, Les Wren
36 points: David Cairns, Darryl Morrow, Phil Tapping,
35 points: Peter Sciberras, David Martin, Jeffery Tinsley, Neil Jeffcott

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Ian Bain (89cm),  B Grade, Neil Jeffcott (1.66m),
               C Grade, Geoff Tinsley (1.84m).

18th hole, A Grade, Kelvin Kelly (2.6m), B Grade, Peter Sciberras (1.88m),
                 C Grade, Geoff Todd (3.13m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 31st  March 2015  The event is a 2 person Ambrose, which is sponsored by Bago Tavern.

Pictured left to right in this photo is Ralph Newell, Ian Bain and David Crees

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