Monday, January 26, 2015

Wauchope Men's Vets weekly update 25.01

Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golfers

Next Tuesday 27.01 is a Single Stableford sponsored by Fredo’s Meats. Fredo’s have been great sponsors of the Wauchope Vets over the years, please pop in and tell them you are from the Wauchope Vets when purchasing your Eye Fillet Steak and Beef Sausages. Looking at the timesheet for Tuesday, there are 2 vacancies, get in and grab them if you are looking for a game.

Crescent Head Bill Medley Shield is on, but I still have no official notification. I will prepare a sheet for Tuesday and start taking names. It is on Tuesday 17th February, being a Six Hole course, they have some latish hit off times, but you will always be refreshed by the “Nor, Easta” if it is blowing. Unfortunately  this event clashes with our own Tuesday event. The only thing I can say, it is a 4BBB at Wauchope or a Single Stableford at Crescent Head.

I had my little rant on Wednesday and we will leave there.

The Membership card distribution went well last Tuesday, if you have not received yours, I will try and be out there before 1st Hit off on Tuesday, and those people who hit off after me, would you come into the Club and get your card.

If you would like a Fixture Book, they will be available from early March, they are $2 each, please order through me if you would like one. Thank you to those people who have emailed me with their order.

 Future events to the end of February are:
Tuesday 3rd Feb.  Single Stableford
Tuesday 10th Feb. Single Stableford
Tuesday 17th Feb. 4BBB Stableford at Wauchope, Bill Medley Shield at Crescent Head
Tuesday 24th Feb. Single Stableford 8:30am Shotgun Start visit from Harrington Vets for the 1st leg of the Harri-Hope Shield
Thursday 22nd January results, 9 Hole Single Stableford

Winners:  Kevin Miller 23 points, Ken Bennett 22 points, Jim Thompson 20 points c/b

NTP: Alan Cleaver 3.20m
Ball rundown to 17 points c/b
20 points: David Martin
19 points: Alan Cleaver, Norm Smith
18 points: Terry Morrison, Cyril Clark, Neil Jeffcott, Bernie Quain, Ken Gallie, Graham Cumming, Allan Harris
17 points c/b: Roy Stokes, Colin Hassal

That’s about it for today! Have a great Australia Day tomorrow, see you on Tuesday

Good golfing


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