Hello Veteran Golfers
Just a quick note to keep you informed.
Firstly, there is a vacant seat in a cart, for Taree on
Friday 30th May, I invite either a person who is already going or an
extra participant to take up that seat. The situation is, there are 30 players
going down to Taree, the green fee cost is $15 the cost of the cart seat is
$17.50, if I cannot get a person to take that seat I will only have 29 players.
Also there is a vacancy on the bus. Email me if you are interested or phone me.
There is also a bus trip to Wingham on Wednesday 11th
June, Wingham always welcome us, to their friendly environment. At present there
are only 11 players booked to go, the
maximum number is 22. Travel by bus or by your own transport. Wingham Vets will
organise seats for those people who require carts. See us on Tuesday, or the
notice is on the Vets Board or again email or phone me.
Tuesday’s event is a Single Stableford, there are still
vacancies on the starters sheet, if you haven’t nominated put your name on the
electronic time sheets or contact the club. At the present moment there are 10
vacancies, the weather seems as though it will be good, the event is sponsored
by Wauchope RSL Club.
Thursday’s results:
41 players
Winners: Gary Murrell
21 points, Ian Bain 20 points c/b,
Uncle 20 points c/bNearest the pin: Dennis Hughes 0.99m
Ball rundown to 17 points c/b
20 points: Doug Connell, Norm Marchant
19 points: John Schubert
18 points: Norm Smith, John Ford, Jim Thompson, Ken Lane, Neil Hilder, Jeff Tinsley, Russell Harris, John Hill
17 points c/b: Ian Bain, Ray Knapp, Doug Currey
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