Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday 7th January 2014, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Wauchope  Men’s Veterans Golf Club, Single Stableford
Tuesday  7th January  2014, 138 players

A grade winners: Lindsay Baker (8) 41 points,  Allan Elliott  (14) 40 points c/b,
                            Graham Ward (15) 40  points .
Ball  rundown :
39 points: Alan Lynch, Bruce Amey
38 points: Richard Pierce, Peter Kime, Warren Brentnall, John Uncle,
                 Gary Duncan
37 points: Graham Cumming, Bill Lyon, Kerry Galloway, Jim Bain,
                 Dennis Hughes
36 points c/b: Warren Andrews, David Mills

 B grade winners: David Crees (20) 43 points, Ralph Newall (22) 41 points c/b,
                             Al Muller  (22) 41 points.
 Ball rundown :
39 points: Bob Waterhouse, Geoff Collins, Jim Bransdon,
37 points: Terry Seach, Bruce Walker,
36 points: Julius Dellicastelli, Neil Grant, Peter Abell, Bill Sharp, Ted Edwards
35 points c/b: Norm Smith, Kevin Miller, Derek Hall, Doug Currey, Vic Riley
C grade winners: Wayne Harrison (34) 43 points, John Brisbane (28) 40 points   
                             c/b, Bernie Quain  (28) 40 points.
Ball rundown :
39 points: Garry McDonald, Bruce White
38 points: Jeffery Tinsley
36 points: Warwick Hain, Russell Spooner, Allan Harris, Jim Harvey
35 Points c/b: John Hough, Doug Connell, Michael Butcher, Archie Livingstone
Nearest to the pin winners:
4th Hole; A Grade, Jim Bain ( 1.6m ), B Grade, Terry Payne (2.31m),
               C Grade, Alan Rudd  (1.3m)
18th Hole, A Grade, Peter Wicks (1.1m ), B Grade, Stephen Gallagher  (5.3m),
                 C Grade, Bob Harmer (6.5m)

Winners at Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golf Club on Tuesday 7th January  2014, l to r,  Al, John , Wayne ,  Bernie  , David , Graham , Ralph N, Lindsay

Thursday   3rd January   2014
9  Hole Single Stableford, 32 players
 Winners: Ian Bain  22 points, Doug Connell  21 points,
                 Roy Stokes  20 points c/b

 Nearest the pin :  Ross Bird (2.59m)

 Ball rundown to 19 points  
20 points: John Hough, Ross Bird, Russell Harris, Albert Ireland, Bob Baker
19 points: Bill Studeman, Glen Regan, Ken Bennett, Tony Boswell                
Next game is Tuesday 14th  January  2014, the event is a 4BBB Stableford sponsored by Neil Hilder.

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