Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tuesday 24th December 2013, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Wauchope  Men’s Veterans Golf Club, Single  Stableford
Tuesday  24th  December  2013, 62 players
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the Vets players and their families!!

A grade winners: Alan Lynch (15) 41 points,  Bruce Amey  (16) 39 points,
                            Bob Maggs (9) 38  points .   

Ball  rundown:
36 points: Michael Sheldon, Derek Foster, Norm Smith, Kerry Galloway
35 points c/b: Ross Bird, Tony Ward, David Pettit

 B grade winners: Col Hassall (27) 42 points, Michael Butcher (32) 41 points,
                             Eric Drury  (29) 40 points. 

Ball rundown:
39 points: Michael Grant, Alan Harris
38 points: Ted Edwards, Don Brennan, Terry Seach
36 points c/b: Bernie Quain
Nearest to the pin winners:

4th Hole; A Grade, David Cairns ( 1.6m ), B Grade, Cyril Clark (2.52m),
               C Grade, Eric Drury  (2.37m)

18th Hole, A Grade, Dennis Hughes (0.98m ), B Grade, Neil Grant (2.74m),
                 C Grade, Leigh Glasspell (3.12)
 Winners at Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golf Club on Tuesday 24th December 2013, l to r,  Colin , Alan , Bruce , Bob , Eric
Thursday   19th December   2013
9  Hole Single Stableford

Winners: David Martin  22 points c/b, David Fell  22 points,
                Glenn Regan  21 points

 Nearest the pin :  Dennis Hughes (2.82m)

 Ball rundown
20 points: David Crees, John Brent, Gary Murrell
19 points: Paul Hassab, Al Muller, Col Berwick, Doug Connell, Alan Ninnes,  
                 Norm Marchant
18 points c/b: Steve Taylor, John Ford, Colin Hassall

 Next game is Tuesday 7th  January  2014 the event is a Single Stableford.

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