Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday 22nd October 2013, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club’s, Single Stableford
Tuesday 22nd  October 2013, 133 players

A grade winners:  Bruce Wilson (9) 40 points, Jim Bain (13) 38 points c/b,
Neil Gavin (13) 38 points.

Ball rundown to 35 points.
37 points: Mike Sheldon, Tony Scriven, Warren Brentnall, Russell Grunsell
36 points: John Schubert, Rod Millican, Graham Ward, David Mills
35 points: Gavin Price, Jim Thompson, Kevin Cox

B grade winners:  Jeff Palmer (21) 42 points, Phil Raraty (20) 40 points,
 Neil Grant  (19) 37 points..

Ball rundown to 34 points c/b. 
36 points: Peter Abell, Neil Clancy, Al Muller, Vic Riley, Anthony Ward
35 points: Doug Connell, Alan Brooke
34 points c/b: Ken Lane, Keith Martin, Geoff Collins, Ron Dixon, Bill Wagner, Mick Privett,
                          Rob Cornege

C grade winners: John Faddy (29) 41 points, Fred Wells (25) 38 points c/b,
John Shaw (32) 38 points..

Ball rundown to 32 points c/b
37 points: Antonio Zanon
35 points: Col Hassall, Alan Rudd, Ron Johnston, Graham Ferguson
34 points: Clive Teague, Don Brennan
33 points: Ron Leeson, David Pilley, Peter Page, Gordon Christie, Bruce White, John Willis
32 points c/b: Gordon Miller

Nearest to the pin winners were:
4th Hole; A Grade, Albie Weda ( 0.52m), B Grade, Ken Griffin (0.93m),
C Grade, Ted Edwards (4.04m)

18th Hole, A Grade, Alan Elliott  (1.75m), B Grade, Glenn Regan (1.9m)
C Grade, Michael Luschwitz

                               Tuesday Winners l to r : Bruce, John, Neil, Phil, Neil, Congratulations!!!

Thursday 17th  October 2013
9 Hole Single Stableford, 48 players

Winners: John. G Baker 23 points c/b, Kevin Miller  23 points,
David Fell  22 points

Nearest the pin :  David Cairns (0.72m)

Ball rundown to 18 points c/b
21 points: David Cairns, Justin Newberry
20 points: Ken Lane, Randall Langham, John Schubert, Glenn Regan,
                 Darryl Morrow
19 points: Charlie Langham, Ken Bennett, Ken Gallie, Doug Currey,
                 Garry Slattery
18 points c/b: Lester Thurgate

 Next Tuesday 29th  October 2013, the event is a Best 2 of  4  Stableford sponsored by Street Smart Clothing

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