Wauchope Men's Veterans Golf Club Results
Tuesday 8th September 2020
Single Stableford
115 playersCairns
Div.1 Winners: Mick Ashley 39 points, David Cairns Tony McCarthy 37 points c/b
Div.2 Winners: Kevin Wilcox 41 points, Michael Sheldon 40 points, Ralph Newell 39 points
Div.3 Winners: John Hill 43 points c/b, Robert Toone 43 points c/b, Tony Zanon 43 points
Div. 4 Winners: Gordon Christie 47 points, Charles Langham 43 points, Fred Ertl 39 points
Div.1 Ball rundown to 35 points:
37 points: Gary Slattery, Paul Martin
36 points: Warren Perry, Rod Allen
35 points: Dennis Hughes, Bob Maggs, Kerry Galloway
Div.2 Ball rundown to 35 points:
38 points: Neil Jeffcott, Gary Warren
36 points: Ken Gallie, Quentin Henry
35 points: Russell Harris, Darrell Mascord, Fred Bridge
Div.3 Ball rundown to 39 points:
42 points: Michael Kirwan, Bernie Stoertzer
41 points: John Schubert, Jon Ward
40 points: Peter Jaye
39 points: Stephen Taylor (7301), Ray Smith
Div.4 Ball rundown to 33 points c/b:
38 points: Russell Spooner
37 points: Terry Bernutt
35 points: David Martin, Graham Haggerty
34 points: Graham White
33 points c/b: Bernie Quain
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1, Rod Allen 2.21m, Div.2, Neil Jeffcott 7.29m, Div.3, No winner, Div.4, Fred Ertl
7th Hole, Div.1, Kel Kelly, Div.2, Ken Bennett 2.42m
10th Hole 2nd Shot: Div.3, Greg Stewart 0.96m, Div.4, Charlie Langham 3.82m
18th Hole: Div.1, Alan Cockburn 2.48m, Div.2, Ken Bennett 4.3m, Div.3, Jim Bransdon 1.2m,
Div.4, Fred De Waard 1.54m
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