Sunday, July 12, 2020

Tuesday 7th July 2020, Single Stroke, Monthly Medal

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 7th July 2020, Single Stroke, Monthly Medal
127 players
Putting Competition Sponsored by Al Muller and Bill Wagner

Division 1 Winners:  John Purnell 70 nett,  David Flinter  71 nett,  
                                     Graeme Borrill 72 nett
Division 2 Winners:  Paul Martin 69 nett, John Jokantas 70 nett c/b,
                                      Ray Radcliffe 70 nett
                                       Rex Munro 73 nett c/b
Division 3 Winners:  Terry Flood 66 nett,  Ian Cameron 67 nett,
                                      Bernie Quain 70 nett
Gross Winners:  Div.1, Graeme Borrill 85 gross c/b, Div.2, Paul Martin 86 gross,
                              Div.3, Rex Munro  96 gross c/b, Div.4, Ian Cameron 96 gross
Putting Competition won by Kel Kelly, 25 putts

Div.1 Ball rundown to 75 nett:
73 nett: Michael Fraser, Alex Arthur
74 nett: Allan Elliott, Garry Slattery, Larry Armytage
75 nett: Don Tunbridge, Kerry Galloway, Mick Ashley

Div.2 Ball rundown to 74 nett c/b:
71 nett: Kevin Wilcox
73 nett: Quenton Henry, Bruce Amey, Bruce Walker
74 nett: John Bainbridge, Neil Clancy, Ian Haddow, Bob Dark

73 nett: Tony Kundicevic, Graham Ward
74 nett: Alan Cleaver, Jim Bransdon, John Gray
75 nett:  Ken Lane, John Ford

Div.4 Ball rundown to 76 nett c/b:
71 nett: Peter Maher
72 nett: Gary Hinson
73 nett: Ross Bird
75 nett: Ray Smith, Russell Spooner, Ralph Lindeman, Glenroy Smith

Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1 Alan Cockburn 4.31m, Div.2, Ray Radcliff 0.74m, Div.3, Rex Munro  6.00m,
                Div.4, Peter Jones 5.83m
7th Hole: Div.1, Mick Ashley 2.57m, Garry Murrell 6.00m
10th Hole 2nd Shot:  Div.3, No Winner, Div.4. Russell Spooner 4.54m
18th Hole: Div.1 Brian Hughes 1.75m, Div.2, Ian Haddow 1.91m, Div.3, No Winner,
                  Div.4, Fred de Whitt 13.25m

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