Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 28th July 2020, Single Stableford
111 players
Division 1
Winners: Gary Slattery 38 points c/b,
Roy Stokes 38 points c/b,
Neil Gavin 38 points
Division 2
Winners: Dennis Hughes 38 points
c/b, Bill Studeman 38 points,
Ken Bennett 37 points
3 Winners: Matt Bugg 38 points, Robert Toone 37 points,
Terry Seach 34 points
Division 4
Winners: Peter Jones 34 points c/b, Des McCammon 34 points c/b,
Ray Smith
34 points
Div.1 Ball rundown
to 32 points:
37 points: Larry Armytage
35 points: Rod Allen, David Cairns, John Nehme
34 points: Bob Maggs
33 points: Don
Tunbridge, David Flinter
32 points: Gary
Div.2 Ball rundown
to 32 points c/b :
35 points: Ray Radcliffe, Derek Hall
34 points: David Mills
33 points: Fred
Bridge, Eric Cork, David Pettit
32 points c/b: Phil
Div.3 Ball rundown to 29 points c/b:
33 points: Tony
32 points: John Gray
31 points: Gary
30 points: Bob
Spratford, John Doherty
29 points c/b:
Michael Kirwan
Div.4 Ball rundown
to 30 points c/b:
32 points: Graham Haggerty
31 points: Russell Spooner, Ross Bird
30 points c/b: Bernie Quain, John Brent, Ian Cameron, David
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1 Graham Borrill 3.22m, Div.2, Russell
Harris 4.54m,
Div.3, David Crees 2.61m, Div.4, Barry Sligar 2.6m
7th Hole: Div.1 Graeme Borril 3.25m, Div.2 Bill
Studeman 2.72m
10th Hole 2nd shot: Div.3 Greg Stewart
1.71, Div. 4 Fred DeWaard 3.64m
18th Hole: Div.1 Gary Slattery 0.58m, Div.2, No
Winner, Div.3, Robert Spratford 2.24m,
Div.4, David Martin 2.73m