Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday 7th January 2020, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 7th January 2020, Single Stableford
121 players
Sponsored by Neil Hilder

Division 1 Winners:  Arthur Alex 38 points,  Kerry Galloway 37 points c/b, 
                                      Alby Weda  37 points c/b

Division 2 Winners:   Bill Studeman 37 points c/b, Phil Rarity 37 points,
                                      Graham Last 36 points c/b

Division 3 Winners:  Bernie Stoertzer  38 points, Matt Bugg 37 points c/b,
                                      Ken Lane 37 points c/b

Division 4 Winners:   Jim Bransdon 41 points,  Peter Jaye 39 points c/b,
                                       David Martin 39 points

Div.1 Ball rundown to 34 points c/b: 
37 points: Bob Maggs, Kenn Brown, 
35 points: Bruce Wilson, 
34 points c/b: Rod Millican, John Singleton, Russell Harris, Gary Duncan, Warren Andrews

Div.2 Ball rundown to 34 points :
35 points: Ken Gallie, David Flinter, John Gardner
34 points: Alan Lynch, Tony McCarthy, Russell Grunsell, John Purnell

Div.3 Ball rundown to 34 points :
37 points: Tony Kundicevic
36 points: John Hill, John Schubert
35 points: Terry Bernutt, Ralph Newall, Don Hooker
34 points: Graham Ward, John Doherty

Div.4 Ball rundown to 31 points c/b :
35 points: John O’Callaghan, Graham White
33 points: Russell Spooner
32 points: Stephen Gallagher, Ray Smith
31 points c/b: Glenroy Smith, Gary Hinson, Alan Cleaver

Nearest the Pins

4th Hole: Div 1. Alby Weda 5.71m Div 2: Bob Dark 58cm Div 3 John Hill 10.51m 
       Div 4. Peter Jones 4.65m 
7th Hole: Div 1. Kenn Brown 1.57m Div 2 Warren Perry 3.10m
10th Hole 2nd Shot: Div 3. John Ford 2.8m Div 4 David Martin 4.98m 
18th Hole: Div 1 Barny Morrow 1.24m Div 2. Graham Last 2.54m Div 3. Terry Bernutt 6.5m,

                 Div 4. Steve Gallagher 4.6m

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