Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 10th December 2019, Best 2 of 4 Stableford
Ham Day
137 players
Steve Gallagher had a Hole in One on the 4th Hole
Winners:, Ken Lane, Norm Marchant, Glenroy Smith 93 points
Runners-up: John Jokantas, Peter Abell,Allan Lynch, Alan Cleaver 91 points c/b
Ball rundown to 87 points:
91 points: Kerry Galloway, Bob Baker, Ralph Lindeman, Gary Murrell
David Martin, Alex Arthur, Peter Jaye, Mal Rasmussen
Bernie Quain, Cyril Clark, Alan Smith, Gordon Christie
90 points: Darryl Morrow, Ian Bain, Roy Stokes, Tony McCarthy
89 points: Phil Raraty, Jim Thompsom, Larry Armytage, John Nehme
88 points: David Crees, Russell Spooner, Fred Ertl, Rob Cannon
Gordon Miller, Graham Last, John Barnaby, Neil Hilder
87 points: Evan Cunningham, Bob Spratford, Fred DeWaart, Fred Bridge
Steve Gallagher, Ian Cameron, John Doherty, Richard Riley
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1 David Robinson 2.91m, Div.2 Richard Riley 0.75m,
Div.3 Ralph Lindeman 5.70m
Div.4 Steve Gallagher “Hole in One”
7th Hole: Div. 1 Mick Ashley 4.00m, Div.2 John Gardner 7.00m
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3 John Schubert 2.03m, Div.4 Rex Shrubb 2.10m
18th Hole: Div.1, Kenn Brown 1.46m Div.2 Dennis Hughes 0.46m, Div.3 John Hill 3.71m
Div.4 Bob Fuller 2.11m
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