Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tuesday 31st December 2019, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 31st December 2019, Single Stableford
98 players

Division 1 Winners:  Ivan Ashley 39 points c/b, Don Beazley 39 points, 
                                      Graeme Borrill 38 points

Division 2 Winners:  Tony Leddiman 39 points, Paul Martin 37 points,
                                       Graham Ferguson 37 points c/b

Division 3 Winners:  Bernie Stoertzer 39 points, Peter Jones 38 points c/b,
                                      Tony McWhirter 38 points c/b

Div.1 Ball rundown to 34 points c/b:
37 points: Gary Duncan, Rod Millican
36 points: John Purnell, David Pettit, Alan Cockburn
35 points: Matt Milne 
34 points c/b: Doug Hodge, Garry Slattery

Div.2 Ball rundown to 33 points:
37 points: Tony McCarthy
36 points: John Jokantas
35 points: Robert Toone, Warren Perry   
34 points: Dennis Hughes, Neil Clancy, Derek Hall
33 points: John Ford, Graham Last, John Bainbridge, Mick Privett 

Div.3 Ball rundown to 33 points:
38 points: Greg Stewart 
37 points: Charlie Langham,
36 points: Ian Cameron, John O’Callaghan
35 points: Alan Cleaver 
34 points: Ralph Lindeman
33 points c/b: Stephen Gallagher, George Stace, Peter Jaye, Barry Sligar,
                       Doug Connell

Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1 Rod Allen 3.33m, Div.2 Dennis Hughes 4.19m, Div.3 Mick Privett 1.8m
7th Hole: Div. 1 Don Beazley 3.12m, Div.2 Bruce Walker 5.49m
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3 Mick Privett 2.24m, Steve Gallagher 0.93m
18th Hole: Div.1, Mick Ashley 5.6m Div.2 Peter Scibberas 0.51m, Div. Peter Abell 2.46m

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tuesday 24th December 2019, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 24th  December 2019, Single Stableford
64 players

Division 1 Winners: Bob Maggs 40 points, Gary Duncan  39 points, 
                                     John Singleton 36 points c/b

Division 2 Winners:  Warren Perry 39 points, Leigh Glasspell 36 points c/b,
                                      Graham Last 36 points

Division 3 Winners:  Peter Jones 39 points, Gordon Christie 36 points,
                                      Tony Ward 35 points 

Div.1 Ball rundown to 36 points:
38 points: Garry Slattery 
36 points: Kerry Galloway

Div.2 Ball rundown to 35 points c/b :
35 points: John Bainbridge, Dennis Hughes, Bruce Amey 

Div.3 Ball rundown to 33 points:
34 points: Bernie Stoertzer
33 points: Stephen Gallagher, David Marin

Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1 John Singleton 1.3m, Div.2 Tony Leddiman 1.7m, 
Div.3 Bernie Stoertzer 2.21m
7th Hole: Div. 1 David Flinter 1.35m, Div.2  No Winner
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3  Allan Smith  3.5m
18th Hole: Div.1,Don Tunbridge 4.03m Div.2John Bainbridge 5.95m, Div.3 Ross Bird 6.5m

Next Week, Tuesday 31st December 2019, Single Stableford

“Have a Merry Christmas”

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tuesday 17th December 2019, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 17th December 2019, Single Stableford
119 players

Division 1 Winners: John Singleton 38 points,  David Cairns 37 points c/b, 
                                     Ian Lavender 37 points

Division 2 Winners:  Eric Cork  36 points, Tony McCarthy  35 points c/b,
                                      Graham Last 35 points

Division 3 Winners:  John Gray 37 points,  George Stace 36 points c/b,
                                      Alan Cleaver 36 points c/b

Division 4 Winners:  Fred Ertl 34 points,  Keith Dickinson 33 points c/b,
                                       Russell Spooner 33 points c/b

Div.1 Ball rundown to 34 points:
36 points: Kerry Galloway, Rod Allen
35 points: Warren Andrews
34 points: Neil Hilder

Div.2 Ball rundown to 33 points c/b :
34 points: David Flinter, Quenton Henry, Russell Grunsell, Warren Perry, 
                   Neil Jeffcott
33 points c/b: Ian Bain

Div.3 Ball rundown to 32 points :
36 points: Leigh Glasspell, Greg Stewart 
35 points: Robert Toone, David Crees
33 points: Terry Seach
32 points: Bernie Stoertzer, Ralph Lindeman, Greg Kentwell

Div.4 Ball rundown to 31 points:
33 points: Charles Langham, John O’Callaghan 
32 points: Bernie Quain
31 points: Stephen Gallagher, Alan Brooke, Ian Cameron

Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1 Ian Lavender 4.2m, Div.2 Jim Thompson 4.05m, Div.3 Tony Leddiman 3.12m,
                 Div.4 No Winner
7th Hole: Div. 1  Ian Lavender 1.19m, Div.2  Bill Studeman 4.39m
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3   Leigh Glasspell   2.86m, Div.4  John O’Callahan  3.71m
18th Hole: Div.1, Gary Duncan 0.71m Div.2 Warren Perry 0.95m, Div.3 John Doherty 4.1m
                   Div.4 Stephen Gallagher 8.1m

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tuesday 10th December 2019, Best 2 of 4 Stableford Ham Day

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 10th  December 2019,  Best 2  of  4  Stableford
Ham Day
137 players
Steve Gallagher had a Hole in One on the 4th Hole

Winners:,  Ken Lane, Norm Marchant, Glenroy Smith     93 points                                

Runners-up: John Jokantas, Peter Abell,Allan Lynch, Alan Cleaver  91 points c/b

Ball rundown to 87 points:

91 points: Kerry Galloway, Bob Baker, Ralph Lindeman, Gary Murrell
                   David Martin, Alex Arthur, Peter Jaye, Mal Rasmussen
                   Bernie Quain, Cyril Clark, Alan Smith, Gordon Christie

90 points: Darryl Morrow, Ian Bain, Roy Stokes, Tony McCarthy

89 points: Phil Raraty, Jim Thompsom, Larry Armytage, John Nehme

88 points: David Crees, Russell Spooner, Fred Ertl, Rob Cannon
                   Gordon Miller, Graham Last, John Barnaby, Neil Hilder

87 points: Evan Cunningham, Bob Spratford, Fred DeWaart, Fred Bridge
                   Steve Gallagher, Ian Cameron, John Doherty,  Richard Riley

Nearest the Pins

4th Hole: Div.1 David Robinson  2.91m, Div.2 Richard Riley 0.75m,
                 Div.3 Ralph Lindeman 5.70m
                 Div.4 Steve Gallagher “Hole in One”

7th Hole: Div. 1 Mick Ashley 4.00m, Div.2 John Gardner 7.00m

10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3  John Schubert  2.03m Div.4  Rex Shrubb  2.10m

18th Hole: Div.1, Kenn Brown 1.46m Div.2 Dennis Hughes 0.46m, Div.3 John Hill 3.71m

                   Div.4 Bob Fuller 2.11m

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tuesday 3rd December 2019, Single Stableford, Monthly Medal

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 3rd December 2019, Single Stableford, Monthly Medal
132 players

Division 1 Winners: Brian Hughes 40 points,  David Pettit 38 points c/b, 
                                    Ken Brown 38 points  c/b

Division 2 Winners:  Dennis Hughes 44 points, Fred Bridge 39 points,
                                    Graeme McLaughlan 37 points

Division 3 Winners:  Ken Lane 39 points,  Chris Kemp  37 points,
                                      Tony Zanon  35 points

Division 4 Winners:  Alan Cleaver  40 points, Russell Spooner 36 points,
                                    Peter Jaye 35 points

Div.1 Ball rundown to 36 points:
38 points: Neil Hilder, David Robinson, 
37 points: Darryl Morrow
36 points: Alan Elliott, Bob Maggs, Graeme Borril

Div.2 Ball rundown to 34 points:  
36 points: Gary Murrell, Russell Grunsell, Graham Last
35 points: Tony McCarthy, Leigh Glasspell, Mike Sheldon
34 points: Derek Hall 

Div.3 Ball rundown to 33 points:
35 points: Bernie Stoertzer, Tony Leddiman, John Schubert
34 points: Mick Privett, Terry Payne, Ralph Lindeman, Ralph Newell, Peter Abell, 
                Peter Maher
33 points: Derek Foster 

Div.4 Ball rundown to 28 points:
35 points: Gordon Miller
33 points: Tony Ward
32 points: Gary Hinson
31 points: Terry Flood, Graham Haggerty
30 points: Alan Brooke
29 points: Fred Ertl, Stephen Gallagher, Bernie Quain
28 points: Jim Bransdon

Nearest the Pins

4th Hole: Div.1 Neil Gavin  0.70m, Div.2 David Flinter 2.85m, Div.3 Rob Cannon 4.40m
                 Div.4 Fred Ertl 8.89m

7th Hole: Div. 1 Kenn Brown 3.25m, Div.2 Fred Bridge 3.95m

10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3  Terry Payne  0.42m, , Div.4  Alan Cleaver   0.62m

18th Hole: Div.1, Graeme Borrill 2.64m Div.2 Leigh Glasspell 4.56m, 
                 Div.3 John Schubert 1.26m, Div.4 Bill Jordan 7.55m