Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday 15th October 2019, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 15th October 2019, Single Stableford
127 players
Sponsored by Street Smart Clothing, Wauchope
Visit by Kew Men’s Vets for the 2nd Round of the Wal Sneddon Shield
Today’s Results Kew 662 for a total of 1341, Wauchope 745 for a total of 1288
Kew won the Shield

Division 1 Winners: Kenn Brown 38 points c/b,  Larry Armytage 38 points c/b, 
                                     Garry Slattery 38 points c/b

Division 2 Winners:  Cliff Kerr (K) 38 points, Neil Jeffcott 37 points c/b,
                                     William Styles (K) 37 points

Division 3 Winners:   Robert Myers (K) 42 points,  Don Hooker 40 points c/b,
                                       Phil Raraty 40 points

Division 4 Winners:    Graham Haggerty 40 points, Fred DeWaard 36 points c/b,
                                       Norm Smith 36 points 

Div.1 Ball rundown to 34 points c/b:
38 points: Kel Kelly
37 points: Allan Elliott
36 points: Allan Wilkinson (K)
35 points: Roy Stokes, Warren Dyer (K)
34 points c/b: Bob Maggs

Div.2 Ball rundown to 34 points c/b :
36 points: David Mills, Jim Thompson
35 points:  Paul Martin, Graham Last 
34 points c/b: Kevin Brennan (K), Bob Dark

Div.3 Ball rundown to 35 points:
39 points: Bill Wagner 
37 points: John Hill, Eric Drury
36 points: Gary Warren, John Gray, Doug MacLean (K)
35 points: Terry Bernut, Terry Payne, Bill Studeman

Div.3 Ball rundown to 33 points c/b :
35 points: Glenroy Smith
34 points: Victor Riley, Col Voss (K), Gary Hinson
33 points c/b: Mal Rasmussen, Don Waugh
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1 Allan Wilkinson (K) 1.10m, Div.2 Robert Toone  6.8m, Div.3 John Hill 6.51m
                Div.4 Barry Sligar 6.3m
7th Hole: Div. 1 Kel Kelly 0.36m, Div.2  Cliff Kerr (K) 0.002m
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3 Bob Myers (K) In the Hole, Div.4 John Brisbane  3.13m
18th Hole: Div.1, Wayne Moir  (K) 2.1m Div.2 Ian Read (K) 2.7m, Div.3 Bob Myers (K) 4.26m
                   Div4 No Winner

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