Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday 27th November 2018, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 27th November 2018, Single Stableford
144 players 

Division 1 Winners: Ken Gallie 42 points, Garry Slattery 40 points c/b, 
                                    Graeme Borrill 40 points

Division 2 Winners: Gary Murrell 41 points, Tony Kundicevic  41 points,
                                    Neil Clancy 40 points

Division 3 Winners: Barry Sligar 40 points, Keith Dickinson 39 points,
                                    Glenroy Smith 38 points 

Div.1 Ball rundown to 35 points c/b:
39 points: Norm Marchant, David Pettit, Ken Brown (PM)
38 points: Jim Thompson, David Thomas, David Cairns, Mick Ashley
37 points: Ian Lavender
36 points: Neil Gavin, Kel Kelly 
35 points c/b: Russell Grunsell, Ian Bain

Div.2 Ball rundown to 34 points c/b :
39 points: Dennis Morton 
37 points: Quenton Henry, Phil Raraty, Eric Drury, Warren Perry, Kevin Wilcox
36 points: Mick Privett, Derek Hall  
35 points: Graham Last,Evan Cunningham, Fred Bridge
34 points c/b: Terry Payne, Ralph Lindeman, John Gray, Greg Stewart

Div.3 Ball rundown to 34 points c/b :
37 points: John O’Callaghan, Gary Hinson, Terry Flood 
36 points: Bernie Quain, Mal Rassmussen 
35 points: Doug Connell, Russell Spooner, Bill Jordan, Bob Morgan, Peter Jones 
34 points c/b: Graham White, John Doherty 

Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1  Ian Bain 0.60m, Div.2 Keith Martin 2.7m, Div.3 Vic Riley  3.33m
7th Hole: Div. 1 David Robinson 3.00m, Div.2 Kevin Wilcox 2.30m
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3: Steve Gallagher 2.1m
18th Hole: Div.1 Allan Elliott  0.38m, Div.2  Don Hooker 5.2m, Div.3 Bernie Stoertzer 4.6m

Next Week, Tuesday 4th December 2018,  Single Stableford, Monthly Medal

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