Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tuesday 2nd October 2018, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 2nd October 2018, Single Stableford
Visit by Kew Men’s Veteran Golf Club 1st Leg of Wal Sneddon Shield
129 players
Points from top 20 scores for Wal Sneddon Shield    Kew 654   Wauchope 802

Division 1 Winners: Paul Martin 43 points c/b, Garry Slattery 43 points, 
                                    Warren Dyer 41 points c/b

Division 2 Winners: Ross Bird 41 points, Phil Tapping 40 points,
                                    Neil Jeffcott 38 points c/b

Division 3 Winners: John Barnaby 44 points, Barry Sligar 42 points,
                                    Bob Morgan 41 points c/b

Div.1 Ball rundown to 37 points c/b:
41 points: Neil Hilder, David Robinson
39 points: Gary Duncan, Mick Ashley
38 points: Tony McCarthy, Bob Maggs, Mike Sheldon, Steve Hoffman (K), Allan Wilkinson (K), 
                   John Jokantas
37 points c/b: David Flinter, Allan Ellio

Div.2 Ball rundown to 35 points c/b
38 points: Ralph Newall, Dennis Morton, John Hill
37 points: Rob Cannon, John Doherty
36 points: David Crees, Gary Warren, Evan Cunningham, Rex Munro, Alan Brooke, Ken Gallie,
                   Robert Toone, Bob Spratford     
35 points c/b: John Ford

Div.3 Ball rundown to 36 points c/b:
41 points: George Stace
40 points: Graham Haggerty
39 points: Fred Ertl
37 points: Peter Jaye, Bernie Quain, Jim Bransdon, Alan Rudd
36 points c/b: Jeff Tinsley, Graham Ferguson,Victor Riley

Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1  David Robinson 0.83m, Div.2 Neil Jeffcott 4.08m, Div.3 John Barnaby  1.08m
18th Hole: Div.1 Wayne Moir (K) 2.52m, Div.2 Steven Hoffman (K) 3.5m, Div.3 Mal Potter 2.25m
7th Hole, Across the field: Garry Slattery 3.26m

Next Week, Tuesday 9th October 2018, Single Stableford sponsored by Hastings Cooperative Limited

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