Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday 28th August 2018 Best 3 of 4 + Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 28th  August  2018   Best 3 of 4 + Single Stableford
124 Players
Best 3 of 4 Stableford sponsored by Alex Robinson Estate
Single Stableford sponsored by Charlie Langham & Vic Riley

Best 3 of 4 Winners :

Dennis Hughes, Rod Allen, Bill Dixon, Bill Studeman  129 points,
John Singleton, Terry Seach, Warren Perry, Gary Walker 128 points,          
Bernie Stoertzer & Bill Jordan, Ian Witt, Robert Toone 124 points c/b,
Tony Ward, Derek Hall, David Symons 146 points c/b.

Single Winners : Div.1 Russell Grunsell 39 points, Bob Maggs 38 points,
                                       Ian Bain 37 points

                              Div, 2 Garry Murrell 44 points,  Alan Brooke 41 points,
                                        Ken Gallie 40 points

                              Div. 3 David Martin 41points, Rex Shrubb 40 points,
                                        Charlie Langham 40 points

Best 3 of 4 Ball Rundown to 122 points c/b:     
124 points: Bill Wagner, Ken Gallie, John Gray, Russell Grunsell;
                   Don Tunbridge, Rex Munro, Gary Hinson, John Barnaby;
                   Kerry Galloway, Bob Baker, Ralph Lindeman, Garry Murrell
                   Rex Shrubb, Ian Witt,Terry Helliwell
123 points: Ralph Newell,Alan Brooke, Graham Ferguson, Mal Potter
122 points c/b: Graham Ward, John Gardiner, Evan Cunningham, Ron Johnson
                         Garry Slattery, Alan Elliott, Gary Warren, John Bainbridge

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, Div. 1, Alan Lynch (2.35m),  Div. 2, Don Tunbridge (0.98m)   
              Div. 3, Robert Toone (0.54m)

18th hole, Div. 1, Gary Duncan (3.47m), Div. 2, Fred Bridge (1.82m),
              Div. 3, Charlie Langham (1.82m)

7th Hole : Across the field: Gary Walker (0.84m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 4th September,  Single Stableford , Men’s Golf Club Thursday on Tuesday NSW VGA Week of Golf 6th and 7th September.
AGM Tuesday 11th September, 8:00am Shotgun Start

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