Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tuesday 18th April 2017   Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 18th April 2017   Single Stableford
Sponsored by Warren Plowright Toyota

A Grade Winners : Lindsay Baker (10)  41 points c/b, Bob Maggs (9) 41
                                 points, Tony McCarthy (15) 40 points c/b

B Grade Winners : Les Wren (17) 40 points, Bruce Walker (21) 38 points c/b,  
                                Greg Stewart (24) 38 points c/b
C Grade Winners : David Martin (27) 40 points, Stephen Gallagher (27) 37   
                                points, Terry Payne  (26) 36 points

A Grade Ball Rundown to 35 points c/b:
40 points: Roy Stokes
39 points: Russell Harris
38 points: Brian Hughes
37 points: Darryl Morrow, Neil Gavin, Bruce Wilson
36 points: Tony Scriven, Jim Thompson
36 points c/b: Todd Jaye, Rod Allen, Rod Millican

B Grade Ball Rundown to 33 points c/b :
38 points; Bill Studeman
37 points: Keith Martin
36 points: David Mills, Rob Cannon
35 points: Neil Jeffcott, Paul Martin
34 points: John Ford, Evan Cunningham, James Moodie, Graham Ward,
                 Derek Foster
33 points c/b: Barry Watson

C Grade Ball Rundown to 31points c/b::
35 points: Ray Smith
34 points: Ron Dixon, Geoff Todd, Jim Johnson,
33 points: Bill Jordan, Glenroy Smith
32 points: Garry McDonald, Fred Ertl
31 points c/b: Bob Waterhouse, Graham Haggerty, John Brisbane

Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, A Grade, Bruce Wilson (0.80m),  B Grade, John Schubert (4.9m),   
              C Grade, David Martin (2.44m)

18th hole, A Grade, Neil Jeffcott (0.55m), B Grade, Peter Jaye (3.82m)
                 C Grade, Allan Harris  (0.95 m)

7th Hole : Across the field: John Ward (1.54m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 25th  April, Single  Stableford sponsored by Greenbourne Nursery, Wauchope

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