Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday 7th February 2017   Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 7th February 2017   Single Stableford
126 Players

A Grade Winners : Neil Jeffcott (17)  40 points c/b, Warren Andrews (13) 40
                                 points, Garry Slattery (13) 39 points c/b

B Grade Winners : Rob Cannon (22) 44 points, David Bowen (19) 40 points,  
                                Derek Foster (23) 39 points c/b                                

C Grade Winners : Barry Watson (25) 43 points, Ian Hackney (24) 39 points c/b,
                                 Graham Ferguson (25) 39 points c/b

*****Roy Lowe had an Eagle on the 12th Hole, for that he receives an Eagle  
       Badge and 6 Balls

A Grade Ball Rundown to 36 points c/b:
39 points: Norm Marchant, Mick Ashley
38 points: Richard Pierce, John Gray, Allan Elliott, Kevin Wilcox
37 points: Bob Baker, Gary Duncan
36 points c/b: Geoff Hosking, Russell Harris, Lindsay Baker

B Grade Ball Rundown to 35 points c/b :
39 points; John Gardner
38 points: Ken Berrigan
37 points: Richard Riley, John Schubert, Evan Cunningham, Rex Munro
36 points: Roy Lowe
35 points c/b: Geoff Kennedy, Dennis Morton, John Jokantas, Tony Kundicevic

C Grade Ball Rundown to 35 points c/b::
38 points: Ken Lane
37 points: John O’Callaghan, David Martin, Graham Haggerty, Barry Sligar,
                 Mal Potter, Bernie Quain
36 points: Peter Jaye, Cyril Clark
35 points: Mick Privett. James Johnson, Colin Hassall, Ray Smith

Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, A Grade, Neil Jeffcott (1.71m),  B Grade,Ian Hackney (3.74m),   
              C Grade, Ron Johnston (6.9m)

18th hole, A Grade, Kevin Wilcox (3.75m), B Grade, Tony Zanon (3.49m)
                 C Grade, Graham Ferguson  (1.88 m)

7th Hole : Across the field: Brian Hughes (2.47m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 14th  February, Single  Stableford

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