Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday 8th November 2016, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 8th   November 2016, Single Stableford
138 players.
Sponsored by KAZAC CIVIL

A Grade Winners : Rod Allen (12) 42 points, Gary Slattery (13) 39 points,                  
                                Ian  Bain (13) 38 points c/b

 B Grade Winners : Greg Stewart(21) 41 points c/b, Terry Seach (24) 41 points,   
                                  Mick Kirwan (18) 39 points c/b

C Grade Winners : Mal Potter (33) 43 points c/b, Mal Rasmussen (34) 43 points
                                 c/b,  Bernie Quain (30) 43points

A Grade Ball Rundown to 35 points c/b:
38 points: Rod Millican, Russell Harris, David Flinter
37 points: Keith Martin, Bruce Wilson, Bob Baker, Eric Cork
36 points: Michael Sheldon, Dennis Hughes, David Robinson, Kelvin Kelly
35 points c/b: Brian Hughes, Alby Weda                

B Grade Ball Rundown to 34 points c/b:

39 points: John Jokantas, John Gardner, Mick Privett
38 points: Ralph Newall, Bill Studeman, Bill Wagner, Neil Clancy, Phil Raraty,
                John Brent                   
37 points: Vic Riley, Dennis Morton, Graeme McLauchlan

C Grade Ball Rundown to 36 c/b points :
42 points: Gordon Christie   
41 points: Fred Ertl,   
40 points: David Martin
39 points: Ted Sala, Warren Leece, Glen Regan  
38 points: Don Brennan, Stephen Gallagher, Graham Haggerty, Russell Spooner
37 points: Col Hassall
36 points c/b: Geoff Todd, Derek Foster, Graham White

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Garry Slattery (1.17m),  B Grade, Bill Studeman (1.00m)
               C Grade, Ron Johnston (9.9m).

18th hole, A Grade, David Cairns (0.38m), B Grade, Ken Bennett (2.3m)
                 C Grade, Allan Harris  (7.48 m)

7th Hole : Across the field: Jim Thompson (2.1m)
Next week’s event, Tuesday 15th November, Single Stableford, sponsored by ANZ Bank,  Wauchope. Thank you!

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