Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday 11th October 2016, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 11th October 2016, Single Stableford
120 players.
Sponsored by Hastings Co-Operative Ltd

A Grade Winners : Terry Waterhouse (18) 43 points c/b, John Jokantas (18) 43   
                                 points, Geoff Hosking (13) 42 points

B Grade Winners : Tony Scriven (19) 44 points, Bill Studeman (22) 42 points,                   
                                Ken Lane (21) 39 points c/b

C Grade Winners : Jon Barnaby (36) 45 points, Glen Regan (27) 44 points,
                                Ray Smith (27) 43 points

A Grade Ball Rundown to 36 points c/b:
40 points: Michael Sheldon, Russell Grunsell
39 points: John Hill, Kelvin Kelly
38 points: John Singleton, Rod Allen, Neil Jeffcott,  Neil Hilder, Dennis Hughes,   
                 Richard Pierce, Tony McCarthy
36 points c/b: Mick Kirwan             

B Grade Ball Rundown to 36 points c/b:
39 points: Greg Stewart, Shane Bentley, Tony Zanon
38 points: John Corcoran
37 points: Evan Cunningham, Neil Clancy, Derek Foster, Bruce Walker,
                Jon Ward, Rex Munro  
36 points c/b: Vic Riley

C Grade Ball Rundown to 35 points c/b :
39 points: Bob Morgan, Colin Hassall, Bernie Quain, Glenroy Smith 
38 points: Ted Sala
37 points: Keith Dickinson, Peter Maher
35 points c/b: Graham Haggerty, Adrian Stagg

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Neil Hilder (3.17m),  B Grade, Bob Spratford (3.39m)
               C Grade, Russell Spooner (4.95m).
18th hole, A Grade, Tony McCarthy (2 .17m), B Grade, Evan Cunningham
                 (3.29m)  C Grade, Col Hassall  (3.33 m)
7th Hole : Across the field: Geoff Hosking (5.4m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 18th October Single Stableford sponsored by Street Smart Clothing, Wauchope. Thank you!

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