Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday 23rd August 2016, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 23rd  August 2016, Single Stableford
116 players.
Sponsored by John Patrick Prestige Cars

A Grade Winners : Bill Dixon (14) 41 points c/b, Warren Andrews (14) 41 points                  
                                c/b, Rod Millican (15) 41 points c/b

B Grade Winners : John Ford (21) 42 points, Evan Cunningham (23) 39 pts,                   
                                John Schubert (21) 38 points c/b

C Grade Winners : Gordon Christie (36) 40 points,Graham Haggerty (32) 37 pts,
                                 Graham White (30) 36 points

A Grade Ball Rundown to 35 points:
41 points: Kerry Galloway, Ian Bain
39 points: Tony McCarthy, Keith Martin
37 points: Neil Jeffcott, Bruce Amey
36 points: Brian Hughes, Garry Slattery, Alan Lynch
35 points: Lindsay Baker, Mick Ashley

B Grade Ball Rundown to 34 points:
38 points: Gary Smith,Graeme McLauchlan
36 points: Tony Ward
35 points: John Gardner, Jim Bransdon, Bill Studeman
34 points: Graham Last, Geoff Kennedy, Charlie Langham, Barry Watson,
                 Rex Munro

C Grade Ball Rundown to 33 points:
35 points: Keith Dickinson
34 points: Fred DeWaard, Adrian Stagg, Mal Potter, Allen Smith
33 points: Doug Connell, Allan Harris, Alan Rudd, Jeff Tinsley

Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, A Grade, Bruce Wilson (1.34m),  B Grade, Graeme Steel (V) (1.21m)
               C Grade, Barry Watson (7.5m).

18th hole, A Grade, Tony McCarthy(3.35m), B Grade, John Gardner (1.82m)
                 C Grade, Tony Zanon  (4.2 m)

7th Hole : Across the field: Tony McCarthy (2.42m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 30th  August, Single Stableford, sponsored by Vic Riley and Charlie Langham.  Thank you!

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