Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tuesday 2nd August 2016, Single Stableford

Wauchope Veteran Men's Golf Club Results
Tuesday 2nd August 2016, Single Stableford
Sponsored by David Flinter and Alan Brooke
127 Players
A Grade Winners: Ken Gallie 37 points c/b, Neil Jeffcott 37 points c/b,
                               Bob Maggs 37 points c/b
B Grade Winners: Ken Lane 43 points, John Jokantas 41 points,
                                John Schubert 39 points c/b
C Grade Winners: Glenroy Smith 39 points, Bert Splithoff 37 points c/b,
                                Graham Haggerty 37 points c/b
A Grade Ball rundown to 35 points:
37 points: Russell Harris
36 points: John Gray, Ken Bennett, Graham Ward, Michael Sheldon, Rod Allen,
                 John Singleton
35 points: Neil Hilder, Darryl Morrow, Kerry Galloway, Ian Bain
B Grade Ball rundown to 34 points:
39 points: Terry Waterhouse
37 points: Terry Seach
36 points: Phil Raraty
35 points: Ralph Lindeman, Derek Hall
34 points: Douug Currey, Barry Watson, John Ford, Shane Bentley
C Grade Ball rundown to 33 points c/b
37 points: John Brent, Colin Hassall
36 points: Fred Ertl, Geoff Todd, Barry Sligar, Jeff Tinsley
35 points: Mal Rasmussen, Keith Dickinson
34 points: Gary Hinson, Gary Taylor
33 points: Justin Newberry, Terry Flood, Norm Smith, Allan Smith

Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: A Grade: Kevin Wilcox 0.68m, B Grade: Graham McLauchlan 2.7m,
C Grade: Ray Smith 7.00m
18th Hole: A Grade: Kerry Galloway 0.59m, B Grade: John Schubert 4.75m,
C Grade: Barry Sligar 4.55m
7th Hole Across the field: John Jokantas 1.8m

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