Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday 22nd March 2016, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 22nd  March 2016, Single Stableford

137 players.
A Grade Winners : Ian Bain (13) 41 points, Les Wren (14) 39 points c/b,    
                                John Gray (14)  39 points
B Grade Winners : Graham Cumming (18) 45 points, Bill Wagner (24) 39 points,             
                                 Mick Privett (19) 38 points c/b

 C Grade Winners  : Eric Drury (27) 40 points, Colin Hassall  (31) 39 points c/b,      
                                  Keith Dickinson (30) 39 points
A Grade Ball Rundown to 34 points:

38 points: KerryGalloway, Bob Maggs, Bruce Anderson
37 points: John Gardner, Gary Duncan, Tony McCarthy, Neil Hilder,
                 David Robinson
36 points: David Flinter
35 points: David Cairns
34 points: Geoff Hosking, Michael Sheldfon, David Mills

 B Grade Ball Rundown to 34 points:

38 points: Ralph Newell, Ross Bird
37 points: John Ward, Geoff Kennedy
36 points: David Crees, Neil Clancy, Doug Currey, Warren Brentnall
35 points: Phil Tapping, Bruce Walker
34 points: Tony Zanon, Terry Seach, Peter Jaye, Evan Cunningham
C Grade Ball Rundown to 34 points:
38 points: Gary Taylor, Bert Splihof
37 points: Bernie Quain, David Hobday, Arthur Hoare
                 Graham Haggerty
36 points: Garry McDonald,
35 points: Justin Newberry, Alan Rudd, Charlie Langham, Don Waugh,
                 Barry Sligar
34 points: Russell Spooner, Terry Payne,Graham Haggerty, Terry Flood

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Eric Cork (1.28m),  B Grade, Mick Privett (1.11m)
               C Grade, Alan Smith (7.00m).

18th hole, A Grade, Neil Jeffcott (3.25m), B Grade, David Crees (3.21m)
                 C Grade, Ron Dixon (2.14 m)

7th Hole : Across the field: Dennis Hughes (1.39m)

 Next week’s event, Tuesday 29th March 2016 is Single Stableford

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