Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday 30th June 2015, Hastings Fresh Meats 4BBB Stableford Championship

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 30th  June 2015, Hastings Fresh Meats 4BBB Stableford Championship
142 players

The event was sponsored by Hastings Fresh Meats, Lake Rd.
Port Macquarie

*** Bob Maggs had a Hole in One on the 4th Hole
Champions : Doug Currey & Ken Bennett 49 points

Runner-up  : Fred Ertl & Rob Cannon 48 points c/b

Third  : Warren Leece & Bill Dixon 48 points

Fourth: Peter Maher & Russell Harris 47 points


Ball Winners: 42points c/b

46 points: Glenn Regan & Gavin Price

45 points: John Ford & Fred Bridge

44 points: Roy Stokes & Tony McCarthy, Ken Lane & Glenroy Smith,
                 Colin Hassall & Eric Cork

43 points: Alan Brooke &  Ralph Newall, Steve Gallagher & Ron Johnston,
                Geoff Hosking & Mick Ashley, John Uncle  & Peter Abell,
                Quenton Henry & Derek Hall, Barry Sligar & John Singleton,
                Lindsay Baker & Peter Sciberras, Warren Brentnall & Justin Newberry

42 points c/b: Kevin Wilcox & Shane Bentley, Ross Bird & Neil Hilder,
                 Rob Morgan & Geoff Collins

Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, A Grade, Bob Maggs (Hole in One),  B Grade, Peter Abell (1.19m)
               C Grade,  Vic Riley (2.65m)

18th hole, A Grade, Rod Millican (1.18m), B Grade, Rob Cannon (3.9m),
                 C Grade, David martin (2.84m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 7th July 2015  The event is the 3 Clubs and a Putter, Sponsored by Alex Robinson Estate

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday 23rd June 2015, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 23rd  June 2015, Single Stableford
126 players
The event was sponsored by Muddles Farm Centre, Wauchope.

A Grade Winners : Ian Bain (11)  41 points, Ian Lavender (7)  40 points, 
                                Bob Baker  (15) 39 points

 B Grade Winners  : Terry Waterhouse (20)  40 points, Neil Clancy (19) 38 points  
                                  c/b  Ray Smith (23) 38 points

 C Grade Winners  : Ted Edwards (29) 39 points, Vic Riley (25) 37 points
                                  Stephen Gallagher (26)  36 points c/b
Ball Winners:

A Grade: 35 points c/b
38 points: Peter Mansfield, Neil Hilder, Neil Jeffcott, John Gray
37 points: Gary Ridley
36 points: Bob Maggs, Keith Martin, Roy Stokes, Bruce Amey, Jim Bain
35 points c/b: Lindsay Baker, David Cairns

B Grade: 34 points
37 points: Bob Spratford, Julius Dellicastelli, Jon Ward, John Ford
36 points: Mick Privett, Michael Kirwan
35 points: Ian Hackney, Ralph Lindeman
34 points: Derek Hall, Jim Bransdon

C Grade: 34 points
36 points: John Willis, Geoff Collins
35 points: Jeff Tinsley, Terry Flood, John Brisbane, Norm Smith, Tony Zanon
34 points: Adrian Stagg, Bernie Stoertzer, John Corcoran, Fred Ertl

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, David Crees (1.18m),  B Grade, Mick Kirwan (2.23m)
               C Grade,  None

18th hole, A Grade, David Robinson (2.18m), B Grade, Bill Dixon (2.23m),
                 C Grade, Ron Dixon (5.80m)


Next week’s event, Tuesday 30th June 2015  The event is the 4BBB Stableford Championship, Sponsored by Hastings Meats, Lake Street Port Macquarie.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Wauchope Men's Vets weekly update 21.06

Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golfers

Wauchope Men's Vets weekly update 21.06

Next Tuesday 23rd June is a Single Stableford, there are about 10 spots available if you are looking for a game. The course is drying as well as can be expected in winter. Although it is cold early, when the sun gets up it’s not too bad. Coming up on Tuesday 30th June is the 4BBB Stableford Championship, Tuesday 7th July is a 3 Clubs + Putter sponsored by Alex Robinson Estate, Tuesday 14th Bi-Monthly Medal Stroke, Tuesday 21st July Single Stableford,  Friday 24th July, Bill Medley Shield at Kempsey, Tuesday 28th Single Stableford

Harrington Friday 26th June

I have a message from Bob Mitchell at Harrington regarding our visit next Friday, this is what he said, “with regard this coming friday , we are on stand ,as our course is very wet, we wont be able to get a decision on the course ( carts allowed or not ) till wednesday ,if we get too much rain between now and then we will have to postpone ,as it wont be worth playing with only walkers.
i will let u know late wednesday ,thats the best i can do.”

I will keep you informed by email and those not on email by phone of any communications from Bob.

I have just sent invitations to  Wingham and Harrington Vets for their visits to Wauchope in July. Wingham will visit for the 2nd Leg of the Neil Grant Memorial Shield on Tuesday 21st and Harrington will visit for 2nd leg of the Harri-Hope Shield on Tuesday 28th July. Both these days will be 8:30am Shotgun starts, to allow us to accommodate an extra 20 – 25 players.

 Please read

President Peter Abell and I were invited to a meeting with the Country Club Board on Thursday night. All sub-clubs were invited with 2 representatives from each. The meeting was to distribute a paper on the achievement of many suggestions put forward by the Members and endorsed by the Board. This paper is on the bottom of this email. The message I received from this meeting is, the Board is working hard to increase business and improve cash flow. I would encourage all members to get behind what the Club is doing and don’t believe or pass on the rumours which seem to be doing the rounds. If you hear a rumour which you would like clarified, Bob Weston, Manager, is only too pleased to discuss it with you. Rumours and misinformation can only drag an establishment further down, we have enjoyed the facilities of this wonderful Club for many years, some of you have worked very hard to ensure the  club was viable in other hard times, it is  time we all got behind the Board and supported them. I would like to see all our Men’s Vets rejoin and keep our Vets a strong and solid sub club of Wauchope Country Club.

Results of Thursday’s 9 Hole Stableford event with 36 players.

Winners: Ian Bain 21 points, Dennis Hughes 20 points, David Robinson 19 points c/b

NTP. Ken Lane 1.3m
Ball rundown to 17 points
19 points: Roy Stokes
18 points: Paul Hassab, David Crees, Bob Baker, David Cairns
17 points: Peter Maher, David Martin, Adrian Stagg, Ray Radcliffe, Ian Lavender

 For those new members who have not accessed the blogsite, our results each Tuesday night and these weekly updates are on that site. It is  http://wauchopemensvets.blogspot.com.au/  

That’s about it for this week

Good Golfing!


WCC Board Paper below

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday 16th June 2015, Singles Vs Par


Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 16th  June 2015, Singles Vs Par
117 players
The event was sponsored by Clarke Joyce Pro Shop.

A Grade Winners : Norm Marchant (12)  +5, John Uncle (13)  +4, 
                                Geoff Hosking  (11) +3
B Grade Winners  : Ray Smith (24) +4, Terry Waterhouse (20)  +3 c/b,
                                  Jim Bransdon (24) +3
C Grade Winners  : John Walters (25) +7, Barry Sligar (33) +5
                                  Garry McDonald (35)  +1

Ball Winners:

A Grade: +1 c/b
+ 3: Allan Elliott, Bruce Wilson, Garry Slattery, Ian Lavender
+ 2: Lindsay Baker, Russell Grunsell
+ 1 c/b: Mick Ashley, David Robinson, Bob Maggs, David Cairns, David Pettit,
       Peter Kime

B Grade: - 1 c/b
+ 1: John Ford, Gary Smith, Julius Dellicastelli
   0: Ken Griffin, Geoff Kennedy, Dennis Morton, Ken Lane, John Schubert
- 1 c/b: Mick Privett, Graeme McLaughlan

C Grade: 0
+ 1: Bernie Stoertzer, Warwick Hain, Doug Connell, Ron Johnston, Geoff Collins
   0: Don Brennan, David Martin, John Willis, Bob Morgan, Ron Dixon

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Gavin Price (1.02m),  B Grade, None
               C Grade,  Peter Maher (6.1m)

18th hole, A Grade, Norm Marchant (3.12m), B Grade, Alan Brooke (4.2m),
                 C Grade, Ron Dixon (0.86m)
Next week’s event, Tuesday 23rd June 2015  The event is a Single Stableford, Sponsored by Muddles Farm Centre.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wauchope Men's Vets weekly update 14.06

Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golfers


Attached is last Tuesdays results.

Next Tuesday 16th June is a Singles Vs Par event, there are vacancies, so if you are looking for a game book in now. The event is sponsored by Clark Joyce Pro Shop, when booking in please acknowledge his support of the Vets.

Thank you to all the Wauchope players who travelled to Wingham.

On Wednesday 21 players travelled down to Wingham to play the 1st leg of the Neil Grant Memorial Shield. Although the course is in good condition most of our players found it hard going. The greens were hard to read particularly for speed and like our course was wet under foot, but not quite as bad as Wauchope. We played a 300mm Preferred lie on the Fairway. Top scoring for Wauchope was John Kokantas with 35 points on a c/b from Quenton Henry also with 35 points,  John received $10 for his effort (I have it, John), the scores fell off to 33 points for Bruce Amey. The Shield is scored by the top 10 scores from each Club, our top 10 only just stayed in the 30s. Wingham dominated the winning scores with 41 and couple of 40s. The score at this stage is Wingham 374 points, Wauchope 319 points. The return game is at Wauchope on Tuesday July 21st, which will be an 8:30am Shotgun start.

After golf we all enjoyed a Roast Lunch which was served to the 70 players, prior to the presentation. It was a well organised day, thank you, Wingham Vets.

Thank you Alan Brooke for driving the Bus, he does a great job, we appreciate it. At the time of writing I am not sure, but, there was talk about the Bus breaking down at John’s River on the trip home. I don’t know how they can predict a breakdown before leaving Wingham!!!!!!

On Tuesday when you are booking for 2 weeks time, you will be booking for 4BBB Stableford Championship. If you have a preferred partner make sure you are booked in together in the Player 1&2 or Player 3&4 spots. It is the first time for a few years we have run this Championship event. Winners will get their name on a very impressive trophy.

Wauchope Men’s Vets Membership Cards will be available from next Tuesday, you will be issued with them after paying your Country club fees and if you have run out of credit with the Vets it will cost you $5.

Harrington on Friday 26th June, nominations close on Monday 15th June, if you would like to nominate, email me, I will put your name down

Results of Thursday 11th June Vets 9 Hole Stableford

Winners: Russell Harris 21 points, Dennis Hughes 20 points, Peter Maher 19 points c/b

NTP: Terry Morrison 3.25m

Ball rundown  to 17 points c/b
19 points: Paul Hassab, Quenton Henry, Garry Murrell
18 points: John Singleton, David Cairns, Ian Lavender
17 points c/b: Robert Fuller, John Brent, Ray Knapp, Col Hassall, Adrian Stagg
Iam going to be busy on Sunday, I thought I would send this email out early.

Good Golfing


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday 9th June 2015, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 9th  June 2015, Single Stableford
115 players
The event was sponsored by Lotus at Lighthouse

A Grade Winners : Paul Griffin (13)  39 points, Bruce Wilson (7)  38 points, 
                                Garry Slattery (10) 37points
B Grade Winners  : Gary Smith (22) 40 points, Ross Bird (21)  39 points
                                  Phil Raraty (19) 36 points c/b

C Grade Winners  : Peter Maher (31) 43 points, David Martin (26) 35 points c/b
                                  Jeff Tinsley (28)  35 points

Ball Winners:

A Grade: 33 c/b
37 points: Allan Elliott, John Gray
36 points: David Cairns, Eric Cork, Ken Gallie, Brian Hughes,
35 points: Geoff Hosking, Tony McCarthy
34 points: Mick Ashley, Lindsay Baker
33 points c/b: Gavin Price

B Grade: 32
36 points: John Ford, Bob Spratford
34 points: Ralph Newall
33 points: Don Waugh, Greg Stewart, Michael Kirwan, Alan Brooke,
                 Dennis Morton
32 points: Jon Ward, Ralph Lindeman

C Grade: 31 c/b
34 points: John Brisbane, Vic Riley, Peter Goldsmith, Glenroy Smith
32 points: Graham Haggerty, John Willis, Laurie Field, John O’Callaghan
31 points c/b: Tony Zanon, Bill Marchment

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Gavin Price (1.62m),  B Grade, Gary Smith (2.35m)
               C Grade,  None

18th hole, A Grade, Geoff Hosking (1.25m), B Grade, John Jokantas (1.10m),
                 C Grade, Fred Ertl (2.69m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 16th June 2015  The event is a Singles Vs Par  , Sponsored by Lotus at Clark Joyce Pro Shop.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday 2nd June 2015, Best 2 of 4 Multiplier Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 2nd  June 2015, Best 2 of 4 Multiplier Stableford
The event was sponsored by Lotus at Lighthouse Chinese Restaurant

The day was also a Memorial Day for Past Captain Neil Grant, all the players stopped playing at 11:00am to observe a minutes reflection on the person Neil, who passed away 1 year ago. Our thoughts are with the man everybody called “The Gentleman”

Winners : Kevin Miller, John Baker, Bert Splithof, Tony Ward, 129 points

Runners Up  : Rob Canon, Fred Ertl, Russell Spooner, David Crees 120 points

Third  : Neil Clancy, Peter Mansfield, Mick Privett, Don Brennan  115 points

 Ball Winners: To 87 points

113 points: Darryl Morrow, Roy Stokes, Tony McCarthy, John Hill

 99  points: Kerry Galloway, Bob Baker, Max Gatenby, Ralph Lindeman

 92  points: Stephen Gallagher, Laurie Field, Vic Riley, Ron Johnston

                   Garry Slattery, Allan Elliott, John Corcoran, John Gardner

 91  points: Rod Allen, Dennis Hughes, Derek Foster, Peter Brown

                   Quenton Henry, Derek Hall, Warren Leece, Peter Sciberras

                   Graham Cumming, Bob Dark, Gordon Christie, Allan Smith

 88  points: Terry Seach, Charlie Langham, David Martin, Richard Pierce

 87  points: Bruce Wilson, Mike Kirwan, Ken Griffin, David Pettit

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Gary Wales (2.1m),  B Grade, John Jokantas (2.08m)
               C Grade, Ted Edwards (5.9m).

18th hole, A Grade, Warren Andrews (2.15m), B Grade, Ralph Lindeman (1.75m),
                C Grade, Steve Gallagher (8.4m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 9th June 2015  The event is a Single Stableford