Wauchope Men's
Veterans Golf Club Results
Tuesday 27th
October 2020
4 Ball
Aggregate Stableford + Singles
119 players
4 Ball Winners: Mal Rasmussen & David
Baker 74 points
Runner-up: John Nehme & Robert Dark 72 points
Third: Bill Wagner & Jon Gray 71 points
Fourth: Bob Maggs & Mark Van Der Veer 70 points
Singles Winners: Div.1 Albi Weda 35 points c/b, Div.2 Allan Lynch 36 points c/b,
Div.3 Stephen
Taylor 39 points, Div.4 Glenroy Smith 36 points c/b
4 Ball Aggregate Ball rundown to 66 points:
69 points: Jim Bransdon & John Schubert
68 points: Gary Warren & Stephen Taylor, Tony Ward & Graham Last,
David Flinter & Kenn Brown,
67 points: John Bainbridge & Paul Martin, David Cairns & Albi Weda,
Rex Munro & Graham Haggerty, Kerry Galloway & Bob Baker,
Alan Bushe & Terry Payne, Ian Cameron & John Doherty
66 points: Ken Lane & Glenroy Smith, Barry Sligar & John Singleton,
Bruce Wilson & Gary Duncan, Neil Gavin & Peter Jones,
Tony McCarthy & Allan Lynch
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1, Kenn Brown 2.8m, Div.2, No
Winner, Div.3, Ray Smith 6.2m,
Div.4, Ross Bird 6.5m
7th Hole, Div.1, David Flinter 3.31m, Div.2, Alan Bushe 3.07m
10th Hole 2nd Shot: Div.3, Tony Zanon 1.8m,
Div.4, No Winner
18th Hole: Div.1, Albi Weda 2.06m, Div.2, Bruce
Walker 2.54. , Div.3, No Winner,
Div.4, No Winner