Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Tuesday 27th October 2020 4 Ball Aggregate Stableford + Singles


Wauchope Men's Veterans Golf Club Results

Tuesday 27th October 2020

4 Ball Aggregate Stableford + Singles

119 players

4 Ball Winners: Mal Rasmussen & David Baker  74 points

Runner-up: John Nehme & Robert Dark  72 points

Third: Bill Wagner & Jon Gray  71 points

Fourth: Bob Maggs & Mark Van Der Veer  70 points


Singles Winners: Div.1 Albi Weda  35 points c/b, Div.2 Allan Lynch  36 points c/b,

                               Div.3 Stephen Taylor 39 points, Div.4 Glenroy Smith 36 points c/b

4 Ball Aggregate Ball rundown to 66 points:

69 points: Jim Bransdon & John Schubert

68 points: Gary Warren & Stephen Taylor, Tony Ward & Graham Last, 

                 David Flinter & Kenn Brown,

67 points: John Bainbridge & Paul Martin, David Cairns & Albi Weda,

                 Rex Munro & Graham Haggerty, Kerry Galloway & Bob Baker,

                 Alan Bushe & Terry Payne, Ian Cameron & John Doherty

66 points: Ken Lane & Glenroy Smith, Barry Sligar & John Singleton, 

                Bruce Wilson & Gary Duncan,  Neil Gavin & Peter Jones, 

                Tony McCarthy & Allan Lynch

Nearest the Pins

4th Hole: Div.1, Kenn Brown 2.8m, Div.2, No Winner, Div.3, Ray Smith 6.2m,

 Div.4, Ross Bird 6.5m

7th Hole, Div.1, David Flinter  3.31m, Div.2,  Alan Bushe 3.07m

10th Hole 2nd Shot: Div.3, Tony Zanon 1.8m, Div.4, No Winner

18th Hole: Div.1, Albi Weda 2.06m, Div.2, Bruce Walker 2.54. , Div.3, No Winner,

                    Div.4, No Winner

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tuesday 20th October 2020 Monthly Medal, Single Stableford


Wauchope Men's Veterans Golf Club Results

Tuesday 20th October 2020

Monthly Medal,  Single Stableford

130 players

Div.1 Winners: Don Tunbridge  40 points , Ian Lavender 39 points,  Alex Arthur  37 points c/b

Div.2 Winners: Neil Jeffcott 38 points c/b, Paul Martin 38 points, Brent Johnson 37 points c/b

Div.3 Winners: John Jokantas 40 points, Bob Spratford 38 points, Jim Bransdon 37  points

Div. 4 Winners: Gary Hinson 40 points, Doug Connell 37 points, Ralph Lindeman  36 points


Mick Ashley  had an Eagle on the 17th  Hole, . Congratulations Mick!

Div.1 Ball rundown to 33 c/b points:

37 points: Kel Kelly

36 points: Brian Hughes

35 points: Mick Ashley, Kenn Brown, Don Beazley

34 points: Roy Stokes, Garry Slattery

33 points c/b: Alan Cockburd

Div.2 Ball rundown to 35 points c/b:

37 points: David Pettit

36 points: John Nehme, David Mills, Bruce Amey, Bob Dark

35 points c/b: John Hill, Fred Bridge, Quenton Henry

Div.3 Ball rundown to 33 points c/b:

36 points: Alan Cleaver, Peter Jones, Phil Tapping, Peter Jaye, Jon Ward

35 points: Bruce Walker

34 points: Kevin Wilcox, David Baker

33 points c/b: Allan Hoy

36 points c/b: John Doherty

Div.4 Ball rundown to 31 points c/b:

35 points: Ross Bird

34 points: Barry Sligar, Fred De Waard, John O, Callaghan

33 points:  Ian Cameron, John Punch,

31 points c/b: Rob Canon

Nearest the Pins

4th Hole: Div.1, Roy Stokes 3.1m, Div.2, Ian Haddow 1.66m, Div.3, Peter Jaye 4.02m,

 Div.4, No Winner

7th Hole, Div.1, Don Tunbridge  1.86m, Div.2,  Ian Haddow 1.66m

10th Hole 2nd Shot: Div.3, Bob Spratford 1.32m, Div.4, Fred Ertl 4.00m

18th Hole: Div.1, Ian Lavender 1.3m, Div.2, Charlie Wilton 5.23m , Div.3, John Jokantas  0.56m,

                    Div.4, Ross Bird  2.01m

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Tuesday 13th October 2020, Foursomes Championship

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 13th October 2020, Foursomes Championship

114 Players

Sponsored by Thompson’s Home Hardware, Dennis Hughes

Winner of the Thompson’s Home Hardware Trophy is: 

David Robinson  and Ian Lavender with 78 gross .

Division 2 Champions are   Alan Bushe &  Terry Paine  86  gross

Division 3 Champions are   Chris Kemp & Bruce Walker  91  gross

Division 4 Champions are   Ken Lane & Glenroy Smith  104   gross

 Nett event played across the field:

Winners are  Russell Spooner & David Crees   67 nett, 

Runner-ups   Jim Bransdon & John Schubert  68  nett,

Third place   Phil Tapping & John Jokantas    69  nett, 

4th  John Ward & Terry Seach   70  nett

Ball rundown to  72  nett.

70.5 nett: Shane Bentley & Kevin Wilcox

71 nett: Neil Clancy & George Stace, Graham White & Mick Ashley

71.5 nett: Kerry Galloway & Ralph Lindeman

72 nett: Russell Grunsell & Con Mylonassi (Fredo)

Nearest the Pins on the 4th  Hole,  across the field:  Kel Kelly & Neil Gavin  2.71m    

 18th  Hole, across the field:  Garry Slattery & Alan Elliott