Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 27th August
2019, Single Stableford
114 players
Sponsored by Charlie Langham & Vic Riley
Division 1 Winners: David Pettit 43 points, Bruce Amey 38 points c/b,
Brian Hughes 38 points
Division 2 Winners: Garry Walker 39 points, Graham Ferguson 38 points,
Graham Last 37 points c/b
Division 3 Winners: Ian Hackney 41 points, Don Waugh 39 points c/b,
Alan Rudd 39 points,
Div.1 Ball rundown to 35 points c/b:
37 points: Larry Armytage
36 points: Kerry Galloway, Rod Millican, Ken Gallie, Graeme Borrill, Allan Elliott
35 points c/b: Allan Lynch, Alex Arthur, Bill Dixon, John Bainbidge
Div.2 Ball rundown to 33 points c/b :
37 points: Rob Canon, Terry Payne
36 points: Mick Privett
35 points: Warren Perry
34 points: David Crees, Derek Hall, Fred Bridge
33 points c/b: Rex Munro
Div.3 Ball rundown to 34 points :
38 points: Robert Toone, Doug Connell
37 points: Gary Hinson, Tony Zanon, Chris Kemp
36 points: David Martin
35 points: David Symonds, Stephen Gallagher
34 points c/b: Graham Haggerty
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1 Ken Gallie 1.58m, Div.2 Derek Foster 3.56m, Div.3 Alan Rudd 1.82m
7th Hole: Div. 1 Brian Hughes 3.51m, Div.2 Garry Murrell 4.65m
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3 Alan Rudd 1.26m
18th Hole: Div.1, Ian Lavender 0.79m Div.2 Mick Kirwan 2.18m, Div.3 Fred DeWaard 0.76m