Wauchope Men’s Veterans Golf Club
Tuesday 18th December 2018, Single Stableford
122 players
Division 1
Winners: Mick Ashley 40 points, Ken
Gallie 39 points,
Eric Cork 38 points c/b
Division 2
Winners: Gary Warren 41 points c/b, Peter Kime 41 points,
John Jokantas 39 points c/b
Division 3
Winners: Tony Leddiman 39 points, Bob Gornall 37 points c/b,
Ron Dixon 37 points c/b
Div.1 Ball rundown
to 35 points c/b:
38 points: Roy Stokes, Alan Cockburn
37 points: Richard Pierce, Warren Andrews, David Thomas, David
36 points: Bruce Amey, Kerry Galloway, Rod Millican, Davd
35 points c/b: Darryl Morrow, John Singleton
Div.2 Ball rundown
to 34 points c/b :
39 points: John Nehme
38 points: Graham Ward, Neil Clancy
37 points: Mick Privett, Rex Munro, Ray Smith
36 points: Evan Cunnungham, Shane Bentley
35 points: Greg Stewart, Bob Spratford
34 points c/b: John Hill, Gary Walker, Bruce Walke
Div.3 Ball rundown
to 33 points c/b :
37 points: Fred Ertl
36 points: John O’Callaghan
35 points: Robert Morgan, Graham White,
34 points: Bernie Stoertzer, Terry Flood
33 points c/b: Russell Spooner, Gordon Christie
Nearest the Pins
4th Hole: Div.1
Darryl Morrow 2.00m, Div.2 Rex Munro 0.58m, Div.3 John O’Callaghan 6.54m
7th Hole: Div. 1 Kenn Brown 4.10m, Div.2 No
10th Hole, 2nd Shot, Div.3: Fred Ertl 1.23m
18th Hole: Div.1 Alan Cockburn 0.04m, Div.2 Ken Gallie 1.15m, Div.3 Peter Maher 3.59m
Next Week, Tuesday 1st January 2019 , Single Stableford
sponsored by Wauchope Men’s Golf Club