Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tuesday 26th December 2017 Boxing Day Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 26th  December  2017   Boxing Day Single Stableford

29 Players

Weather started out ok but the course became dangerous when the lightning started, the lightning continued, play was abandoned and the competition  was declared a 9 Hole Comp., as  most of the field had completed that many holes.

Winners : Keith Martin (19)  23 points, Gary Duncan (12)  21 points c/b,
                            David Pettit (17) 21 points

Ball Rundown to 17 points:
20 points: Ian Lavender
19 points: Colin Hassall, Neil Hilder, Warren Perry, David Robinson
17 points: Bob Maggs, David Martin, Vic Riley, Garry Slattery
Nearest to the pin winners across the field:
4th hole,  Bob Maggs (2.53m), 
7th Hole : David Pettit

Next week’s event, Tuesday 2nd January, Single Stableford

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tuesday 19th December 2017 Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 19th December  2017   Single Stableford
125 Players
Very hot day!!!!
96 year old, Ron Dixon shot 95 off the stick, runner-up in Div. 3

Div. 1 Winners : Michael Sheldon (15)  40 points, Russell Harris (16) 39 points,
                            Allan Lynch (14) 38 points c/b

Div. 2 Winners : Ross Bird (22) 44 points c/b, Tony Kundecivic (22) 44 points,  
                            Bruce Walker (20) 41 points
Div. 3 Winners : Garry Hinson (28) 39 points, Ron Dixon (26) 38 points,
                             John Walters  (26)  37 points

Div. 1 Ball Rundown to 35 points c/b:
38 points: Roy Stokes, Alan Cockburn
37 points: Jim Thompson, Bob Baker, Kerry Galloway
36 points: John Singleton, Allan Elliott, Rod Allen, David Robinson
35 points c/b: Quenton Henry, Bob Maggs

Div. 2 Ball Rundown to 34 points c/b :
38 points: Graham Last, Dennis Morton, David Mills, Graham Ferguson
37 points: John Gardner
36 points: Alan Cleaver, Shane Bentley
35 points: Phil Raraty, John Brent
34 points c/b: John Ford, John Jokantas, Jon Ward

Div. 3 Ball Rundown to 33 points:
36 points: Bernie Quain, Rex Shrubb, Russell Spooner, Gary Warren,
                 Doug Connell
35 points: Keith Dickinson, Barry Sligar
34 points: Terry Helliwell, Peter Jaye
33 points: Ted Sala, Colin Hassall, Gordon Christie             

Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, Div. 1, Quenton Henry (1.15m),  Div. 2, Ross Bird (1.68m)   
              Div. 3, Terry Seach (1.96m)
18th hole, Div. 1, Ken Berrigan (2.5m), Div. 2, John Schubert (2.7m),
              Div. 3, Glenroy Smith (5.6m)
7th Hole : Across the field: Neil Hilder (1.97m)
Next week’s event, Tuesday 26th  December, Single Stableford, one tee hit-off, no presentation after the match.  

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tuesday 12th December 2017 Best 2 of 4 Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 12th December 2017   Best 2 of 4 Stableford
Hams Day 2017
133 Players
125 Hams given to players who Played 60% of available games

Winners: 94 Points: Evan Cunningham, Bob Spratford, Fred DeWaart,
                                  Fred Bridge,

Runner-up : 93 points c/b: Terry Seach, Peter Jaye, David Martin,
                                             Richard Pierce

Ball Rundown to 91 points:
93 points: Rex Shrubb, Robert Fuller, Terry Helliwell, Robert Toone
92 points: Greg Stewart, Allan Lynch, Rod Millican, Don Beasley
                 Graham Ward, Eric Cork, Col Hassall, Terry Payne
                 Allan Elliott, Garry Slattery, John Ford, Bob Dark
                  Mal Potter, Graham Ferguson, Bob Maggs, Ian Lavender
                  Don Waugh, David Mills, Quenton Henry, Ross Bird
                  Ken Lane, Glenroy Smith, Norm Marchant, Ron Dixon
91 points: Bruce Wilson, Mick Kirwan, Gary Duncan, David Pettit
                  Dennis Hughes, Rod Allen, Tony Scriven, David Flinter

Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, Div. 1, Mick Ashley (0.36m),  Div. 2, Phil Raraty  (3.17m)   
               Div. 3, Robert Toone (1.65m)

18th hole, Div. 1, Alan Lynch (2.42m), Div. 2, Bruce Walker (1.87m)),
                 Div. 3, Bob Fuller (2.67m)

7th Hole : Across the field: Ken Lane (1.58m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 19th  December, Single Stableford  

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tuesday 5th December  2017   Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 5th December  2017   Single Stableford
Sponsored by Clarke Joyce Pro Shop
137 Players

Div. 1 Winners : Roy Stokes (10)  40 points c/b, Allan Lynch (14) 40 points,
                                         Neil Gavin (12) 39 points c/b

             Div. 2 Winners : David Mills (19) 41 points c/b, Vic Riley (24) 41 points,  
                                         John Gardner (19) 38 points
                Div. 3 Winners : Gary Hinson (29) 43 points, Robert Fuller (27) 42 points,
                                           Fred Ertl  (26)  41 points

Div. 1 Ball Rundown to 34 points c/b:
39 points: Neil Hilder,
38 points: Jim Thompson, David Flinter, Quenton Henry, Kevin Wilcox
37 points: John Singleton, Gary Duncan
36 points: Russell Harris, Michael Sheldon
35 points: Michael Sheldon, Brian Hughes, Ivan Ashley, Bob Maggs
34 points c/b: David Robinson

Div. 2 Ball Rundown to 34 points c/b :
37 points: Warren Perry, Neil Clancy, John Hill
36 points: Ken Bennett, John Ford, Ralph Newall, Dennis Morton, Bill Wagner,
                 Keith Martin
35 points: Ken Lane
34 points c/b: Greg Stewart, John Schubert, Ian Hackney, Graham Last,
                       Phil Raraty

Div. 3 Ball Rundown to 34 points c/b :
40 points: Terry Seach
39 points: Colin Hassall, Tony Zanon, Geoff Kennedy
38 points: Bill Jordan
37 points: Allan Smith, Terry Flood             
35 points: Bernie Stoertzer, Russell Spooner, Ron Dixon, Graham Haggerty
34 points c/b: Gary Warren, Don Waugh

Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, Div. 1, Bob Maggs (1.85m),  Div. 2, Jon Ward (7.8m)   
             Div. 3, Bill Jordan (1.33m)
18th hole, Div. 1, John Singleton (4.25m), Div. 2, Jim Bransdon (4.8m),
              Div. 3, Stephen Gallagher (0.82m)
7th Hole : Across the field: Ken Berrigan (1.4m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 12th  December, Best 2 of 4  Stableford  Hams Day, Strictly Members only, 8:00am Shotgun Start