Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday 27th October 2015, Best 2 of 4 Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 27th October 2015, Best 2 of 4 Stableford

115 players.

Sponsored by Wauchope Country Club

Winners : Neil Clancy, Peter Mansfield, Jeff Tinsley, Don Brennan, 99 points
Runner-up: Ray Smith, Julius Dellicastelli, Graeme McLaughlan, Peter Kime,
                    91 points

Ball Rundown to 85 points:

90 points: Darryl Morrow, Ian Bain, Roy Stokes, Tony McCarthy

89 points: Dennis Hughes, David Flinter, Tony Scriven, Derek Foster

88 points: Robert Morgan, Geoff Collins, Tony Zanon, Les Wren

87 points: Rod Millican, Allan Lynch, Rex Munro, Ian Lavender
                 Terry Seach, Peter Jaye, David Martin, Richard Pierce

85 points: Peter Maher, Russell Harris, Neil Jeffcott, David Robinson
                 Bruce Wilson, David Pettit, Gary Duncan, Bob Maggs
                 John Ford, Fred Bridge, Evan Cunningham, Bob Spratford

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade,Jim Thompson (5.00m),  B Grade, Jon Ward (0.80m)
               C Grade, Jeff Tinsley (5.2m).

18th hole, A Grade, Jim Thompson (0.56m), B Grade, Nil
                 C Grade, Norm Smith (2.95m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 3rd November  2015, 2 Ball Stableford Multiplier, sponsored by KAZAC Civil Pty Ltd

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday 20th October 2015, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 20th October 2015, Single Stableford
119 players.
Sponsored by Street Smart Clothing, Wauchope
A Grade Winners : Tony McCarthy  (14) 44 points, Gavin Price (11) 41 points,
                                Quenton Henry (17)  39 points

B Grade Winners : Keith Martin (18) 43 points c/b,John Schubert (20) 41 points,             
                                Geoff Collins (24) 41 points c/b

C Grade Winners  : Gary Smith  (25)  39 points c/b,  Norm Smith (25)  39 points,    
                                 Rusell Spooner  (30) 38 points

A Grade Ball Rundown to 37 points:

39 points: Jim Bain
38 points: Bill Dixon, Kerry Galloway, Gary Duncan
37 points: Neil Hilder, Neil Jeffcott, David Cairns, Norm Marchant, Tony Scriven,
                Bruce Anderson, Michael Kirwan

B Grade Ball Rundown to 34 points:

40 points: Barry Watson
39 points: Bill Studeman
37 points: Jon Ward
36 points: Tony Kundicevic, Terry Seach, David Crees, Rob Cannon
35 points:  Warren Brentnall
34 points: John Gardner, Geoff Kennedy, Ken Lane

C Grade Ball Rundown to 32 points c/b:

37 points: Ron Johnston, Don Brennan, Graham White, Peter Maher
36 points: David Martin
35 points: Arthur Hoare, Bernie Stoertzer
34 points: Col Hassall
32 points c/b: Allan Harris, Fred Ertl, John Walters

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade,Bob Maggs (0.83m),  B Grade, Cyril Clark (2.8m)
               C GradeRon Johnston (3.41m).

18th hole, A Grade, Bob Dark (2.58m), B Grade, Geoff Kennedy (1.53m)
                 C Grade, Ray Smith (12.00m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 27th October  2015 is  ** 7:30am Shotgun Start**, Best 2 of 4 Stableford sponsored by the Wauchope Golf Club

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday 13th October 2015, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 13th October 2015, Single Stableford
122 players.

 A Grade Winners : David Flinter  (16) 43 points, Warren Andrews (13) 42 points,
                                Darryl Morrow (13)  41 points c/b

B Grade Winners :Paul Walsh (24) 42 points c/b, Don Waugh (24) 42 points c/b,             
                                Ken Lane (22) 42 points

C Grade Winners  : Allan Harris (28)  42 points c/b, Russell Spooner (31)  42  
                                 points,  Norm Smith (25) 40 points

A Grade Ball Rundown to 37 points c/b:

41 points: Russell Harris, Rod Millican
0 points: Graham Ward, Geoff Hosking
39 points: Quenton Henry, Bruce Wilson, David Robinson, Norm Marchant,
                 Garry Slattery
38 points: Neil Hilder, Neil Gavin
37 points c/b: Allan Lynch, David Cairns

B Grade Ball Rundown to 37 points c/b:

41 points: Jim Bransdon, John Schubert
40 points: Doug Curry
39 points: Graham Ferguson
38 points: Charlie Langham, David Crees, John Ford, Geoff Collins, Jon Ward,  
                 Tony Kundicevic, John Hill
37 points c/b: Tony Zanon, Mick Privett

C Grade Ball Rundown to 36 points:

38 points: Colin Hassall
37 points: Bernie Quain, Graham Haggerty, David Pilley, Keith Dickenson
36 points: Gary Smith, Allan Smith, Justin Newberry

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Jim Thompson (1.73m),  B Grade, Bill Studeman (1.22m)
               C Grade, Garry McDonald (5.64m).

18th hole, A Grade, Tony McCarthy (2.6m), B Grade, Don Waugh (1.55m)
                 C Grade, Kevin Lowndes (3.66m)
Next week’s event, Tuesday 20th October 2015 is a Single Stableford, sponsored by Street Smart Clothing

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday 6th October 2015, Single Stableford

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 6th October 2015, Single Stableford

138 players.

Sponsored by John Schubert, Keith Martin, Ian Hackney, Jim Bransdon

This was the final leg of the Wal Sneddon Shield, coming into todays game Kew were leading Wauchope by 54 points, Wauchope caught up the deficit  and added a few, final score Wauchope 1386 to Kew 1318. Well done to all the players, we get to engrave our name on the trophy again.

The Wal Sneddon Shield has been played for between Kew (Camden Haven) and Wauchope since 1997. Wauchope have won the Shield on 11 occasions and Kew on 8 occasions

A Grade Winners : David Flinter  (18) 45 points, Peter Kime (15) 41 points,

                                Darryl Morrow (13)  40 points (c/b)

B Grade Winners : John Baker (24) 44 points, Warren Brentnall (19) 40 points,             

                                Terry Seach (24) 40 points c/b

C Grade Winners  : Graham White (28)  41 points, Graham Ferguson (25)  41  

                                 points,  Allan Smith  (34) 41 points

A Grade Ball Rundown to 36 points:

40 points: Dennis Hughes, Bruce Anderson, Geoff Hosking

39 points: David Robinson, Jim Bain,

38 points: John Jokantas, Warren Andrews, Bruce Wilson, Wayne Moir,

                 Michael Sheldon, Norm Marchant, Richard Pierce

36 points: Neil Hilder, Tony McCarthy, Jim Thompson

B Grade Ball Rundown to 34 points c/b:

39 points: John Schubert

37 points: Charlie Langham, Tony Zanon, Gavan Grayston, Evan Cunningham,

                Jon Ward, Paul Walsh

36 points: Neil Mathews, Doug MacLean,

35 points: John Ford,David Crees, Tony Kundicevic, Ray Smith

34 points c/b: Mick Privett

C Grade Ball Rundown to 36 points:

39 points: Bob Morgan

38 points: Fred Ertl, John O’Callaghan

37 points: Graham Haggerty, Allan Harris, David Raeburn, Jeff Tinsley

36 points: Jon Barnaby, Don Brennan, Adrian Stagg, Bernie Quain,

                Justin Newberry

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Darryl Morrow (0.71m),  B Grade, Barry Watson (10.2m)

               C Grade, Garry McDonald (6.9m).

18th hole, A Grade, Bob Maggs (1.8m), B Grade, Vic Riley (4.66m)

                 C Grade, David Raeburn (2.12m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 13th October 2015 is a Single Stableford, sponsored by Hastings Co-operative Limited

Men's Vets Weekly update 04.10.

Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golfers

I am back at the computer, thank you to all the well wishes, I really appreciated them

Next Tuesday 6th October is an 8:30am Shotgun Start, 2nd leg of the Wal Sneddon Shield played against Kew Country Club. There is one vacancy at present, if you want to play get quickly. The event is a Single Stableford sponsored by are Ian Hackney, Jim Bransdon, Keith Martin, John Schubert. I thank them very much for their sponsorship. Being a Shotgun start I would ask players to be early, the same situation will apply as in the past, `Pay in Pro-Shop, pick-up card outside Pro-Shop. There will be Alphabetical lists of players on display. The Wal Sneddon Shield is at stake, Kew are leading us by 54  points ( Kew 756, Wauchope 702 points). Scoring based on the top 20 scores of each club on the day.

Next Tuesday  when booking for a fortnights time, Dennis has indicated “Next Tuesday I will do all the names of the guys who usually come in early and will allow the internet to open at 6.30”.

******Important Notice######

The Bill Medley Shield at South West Rocks has changed their Hit-off time, it is now an 11:00am Shotgun Start, I hope this doesn’t discourage players who have already nominated nor those 20 players who will be able to nominate on Tuesday, we absolutely need more players to give Dennis a broader base to select from. We will be canvassing for players on Tuesday as our nomination sheet needs to be finalised by Tuesday afternoon. We are 5 points in front, we need to extend our lead to be able to win the Shield.

Very important Date: Sunday 25th October 2015 at 10am is Annual General Meeting of the Wauchope Country Club, there is a need for a good attendance of golfers on that day. There will be a number of golfers standing for the Board, Peter Abell has been nominated as one of the seven Directors and together with Alan Rudd standing for President and Ian Hackney standing for Vice President and there well maybe other golfers.

It is imperative that we have a very strong representation of members of the men’s vets and other golfers to vote for positions on the board. Peter Abell has indicated his presence on the board will be as a representative of the golfers and especially the men’s vets to ensure we get a fair share of entitlements from the Country Club. Please put “Sunday 25th October 2015 at 10am is Annual General Meeting of the Wauchope Country Club” in your diary.

Days of the future:
Friday 16th October, BMS at South West Rocks

Tuesday 27th October is a 7:30 am Shotgun start, Best 2 of 4 Stableford, this is because the Australian Left Handed Golfers Championship has a 12:30pm Shotgun start that day. The plan is we will get out of their way early, for such  prestigious event.

Nambucca Heads, Island Course on Friday 13th November. We are booked for at least 30 players, it is a 9:00am Shotgun start, it will be a bus trip.

Friday November 27th visit to Harrington, more info soon.

Results Thursday 1st October 2015 Vets 9 Hole Stableford 41 starters.
Winners: John Brent 21 points c/b, Norm Marchant 21 points, Garry Murrell 20 points c/b
NTP: Ken Gallie 0.6m
Ball rundown to 18 points c/b
20 points: David Crees, Allan Harris, Doug Currey, Dennis Hughes
19 points: Doug Connell, Ken Bennett, Allan Lynch, Ray Knapp, David Robinson, David Martin
18 points c/b: Neil Hilder, Paul Stewart, David Cairns, Bob Baker.

That’s about it for this week, best of luck against Kew on Tuesday!

Good Golfing!
