Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday 22nd September 2015, Single Stroke

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club

Tuesday 22nd September 2015, Single Stroke

Bi-Monthly Medal, Putting Competition

132 players,

A Grade Winners :Russell Grunsell (16) 64 nett,Tony McCarthy (14) 66
                               nett , Peter Kime (16)  67 nett c/b

B Grade Winners : Anton Kundicevic (21) 68 nett, Chris Kemp (22) 69 nett

                                 Tony Zanon (24) 70 nett c/b

C Grade Winners  : Eric Drury  (27)  69nett,  Russell Spooner (32) 70 nett c/b,

                                  Barry Sligar  (29) 70 nett

Putting Competition sponsored by Al Muller and Bill Wagner was won by Gavin Price with 25 putts

A Grade Ball Rundown to 72 nett:

67 nett: Neil Hilder

68 nett: Paul Griffin, Gavin Price, David Cairns

69 nett: Roy Stokes, Bob Baker, Mike Sheldon, Kelvin Kelly

70 nett: Russell Harris

71 nett: Ken Gallie

72 nett: Les Wren, Garrick Napier

B Grade Ball Rundown to 73 nett:

70 nett: Peter Abell, Al Muller, David Flinter, Ralph Lindeman

71 nett: Shane Bentley, Jon Ward, Phil Raraty, John Ford

72 nett: Fred Bridge, Graham Cumming,

73 nett: Geoff Collins, Neil Clancy, Bruce Walker, Peter Mansfield

C Grade Ball Rundown to 75 nett:

71 nett: John Brent,Don Waugh

72 nett: Colin Hassall, Graham Haggerty

74 nett: Allan Harris, Fred Ertl, Gordon Christie

75 nett: Don Brennan, Adrian Stagg, Bernie Quain

Nearest to the pin winners:

4th hole, A Grade, Michael Sheldon (2.13m),  B Grade, No Winner,

               C Grade, Norm Smith (3.97m).

18th hole, A Grade, Gavin Price (2.32m), B Grade, Kevin Miller (2.9m),

                 C Grade, Don Waugh (4.95m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 29th Serptember 2015  The event is a Foursomes Championships sponsored by Thompsons Hardware, Wauchope

Wauchope Men's Weekly update 20/09

Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golfers

Next Tuesday 22nd September is the Bi-Monthly Medal, Single Stroke event, in conjunction is the Putting Competition sponsored by Al Muller and Bill Wagner, thank you Al and Bill for your support during the year. Also is the Final round of the Eclectic which is sponsored by Dennis Hughes and John Uncle, thank you for your support. At the present time there are 4 spots available on Tuesday, if you are looking for a spot, get in now.

Seeing that the rain is about at the moment and we may get some this summer. Dennis Hughes has asked me to inform our members, if you pull out during the game, because of rain, sickness etc, Do Not Enter your card as NCR or any input to the computer, just write on the card why you withdrew and place it in the box. Have your partners sign the card. Of course this request is not only for Vets events, it is for all Club events.

Well on a brighter note, on Wednesday 19 players travelled to Royal Frederickton. It was in really good condition. The Bill Medley Shield results are below :-

    Cres. H. Kew Wauch Kempsey P. Mac Fredo SWR
17.2.15 Cres. H 223 213 223 204 230 253 236
6.3.15 Kew 183 235 228 170 216 219 203
17.4.15 Wauch 147 228 237 235 242 221 217
24.7.15 Kempsey 201 212 235 197 227 217 207
10.8.15 P.Mac 162 203 210 185 218 187 209
16.9.15 Fredo   248 245 242 240 250 258
16.10.15 SWR              
Totals   916 1339 1378 1233 1373 1347 1330

You will notice Wauchope have just stuck their head in front by 5 points from Port Macquarie. Congratulations to the team and Chief Selector Dennis for their efforts. Dennis top scored for the Team with 39 points. Other members who didn’t quite make the team also excelled Greg Stewart won the day with 42 points c/b, Bruce Amey was second with 42 points and Kevin Miller was 4th with 41 points. I must apologise to Kevin Miller, I made a mistake with his card which cost him 2 points and relegated him to 4th place, sorry Kevin. This means we need a good number of players to go to South West Rocks on Friday 16th October. While the nomination sheet is not out yet, please put this date in your calendar.

Coming up on the Tuesday 6th October is the return game with Kew for the Wal Sneddon Shield, at present they lead by  54  points ( Kew 756, Wauchope 702 points), but we should be able to claw that back at home. It is based on the top 20 scores from each club. It is an 8:30am shotgun start so it should be a great day, by the way we are defending the Shield.

Also the Foursome Championships are on Tuesday 29th September, there was a little confusion when the Timesheets came out in 6s. When you send the field out in 6s that reduces the number of timeslots, but equates to the same number of spots available. I totally agree with this concept, the flow is as quick as 4 players playing Stableford. You can even make it faster,(you only hit every second shot) so there is no need for both players to go up to the Tee, only the designated players hitting off that tee, the other player can be half way down the fairway etc.

I have confirmed our booking at Nambucca Heads, Island Course on Friday 13th November. We are booked for at least 30 players, it is a 9:00am Shotgun start, it will be a bus trip, I hope Alan Brooke is back in town by that stage. For those who have not experienced Nambucca Course, you will find it interesting, scenic, some holes frustrating, the Clubhouse welcoming, the meals good. What more can I say! The nomination sheet will be available from next Tuesday, come and have a good day out. I must point out carts are available at $30 per cart, please book them through the Pro Shop on 6569 4111.

Thursday 17th September  Vets 9 Hole Stableford Results, 35 starters

Winners: Norm Marchant 22 points, Colin Hassall 21 points c/b, Russell Harris 21 points c/b

NTP: Bob Maggs 2.22m

Balls to 19 points

21 points: Allan Harris, Ken Bennett

20 points: Terry Morrison, Norm Smith, Graham Cumming, David Martin

19 points: Ray Knapp, Dennis Hughes, Peter Maher, John Schubert, Paul Hassab, Adrian Stagg, Randal Langham, Paul Stewart

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday 15th September 2015, Single Stableford


Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 15th   September 2015, Single Stableford
128 players.
Sponsored by Hastings Fresh Meats

A Grade Winners : Daryl Morrow  (14) 39 points, Allan Elliott (13) 38 points c/b,
                                Gavin Price (10)  38 points c/b
B Grade Winners : Ross Bird (22) 45 points, Aton Kundicevic (23) 42 points,             
                                Fred Bridge (24) 41 points
C Grade Winners  : Warren Leece  (28) 43 points,Bill Marchment (34) 40 points,    
                                 Glenroy Smith  (28) 39 points

A Grade Ball Rundown to 35 points:
38 points: Kelvin Kelly, Peter Mansfield  
37 points: Dennis Morton, Graham Ward, Peter Kime, Bruce Anderson,
                 Geoff Hosking
36 points: Bob Maggs, Roy Stokes, Bruce Wilson, David Pettit
35 points: Les Wren, David Robinson, Tony Scriven

 B Grade Ball Rundown to 37 points:
40 points: Warren Brentnall, Phil Tapping, Quenton Henry
39 points: Jim Bransdon, Bill Studeman  
38 points: Graham Cumming, Shane Bentley, Jon Ward, David Bowen,
                Peter Abell, Bill Dixon
37 points: Bill Wagner, Bruce Walker, Geoff Kennedy, David Flinter

C Grade Ball Rundown to 35 points:
37 points: Charlie Langham, David Martin
36 points: Norm Smith, John Corcoran, John O’Callaghan, John Brent
35 points: Adrian Stagg, Allan Smith, Garry McDonald
Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, A Grade, Ian Lavender (1.81m),  B Grade, Mick Privett (2.08m)
               C Grade, Jeff Tinsley (5.7m).

18th hole, A Grade, Bob Baker (1.36m), B Grade, Alan Cleaver (2.06m)
                 C Grade, Norm Smith (1.04m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 22nd  September 2015 is the  Bi-Monthly Medal, Single Stroke, Putting Competition sponsored by Al Muller and Bill Wagner, Last round of Eclectic, Sponsored by Dennis Hughes and John Uncle.

Wauchope Men's Vets weekly update 13.09

Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golfers

 I trust you all had a great Fathers, Grandfathers, Great Grandfathers Day last Sunday.

Tuesday 15th September is a Single Stableford sponsored by Hastings Fresh Meats, Port Macquarie. Looking at the sheet for Tuesday there are 9 spots vacant, jump in quick if you are looking for a game. Thank you Hastings Fresh Meats, they have been very loyal sponsors over the years.

You should start to organise your partner for Tuesday 29th September, Foursomes Championships, Sponsored by Thompson’s Home Hardware, Wauchope. When booking in a fortnight ahead on Tuesday you will be booking for this event. This event could break the greatest of friendships. Remember, Partnered players must be in the Player 1 & 2 or 3&4 positions of the booking sheet. Eligibility applies to this event.

The AGM is over for 2015, Birthday Drinks are gone, more shotgun starts to be considered. The Committee now comprises of President Peter Abell, Vice President Rod Millican, Secretary John Jokantas, Treasurer Quenton Henry, Captain Ross Bird, Vice Captain Dennis Hughes. Committee members, Arthur Hoare, Graham Ferguson, Graham Haggerty, John Ford, Greg Stewart, Glenn Regan. Welcome to all. Ex Officio Members are John Uncle, Tournament Director, Week of Golf and Bob Morgan covering the Treasurer. Congratulations to all, we have an exciting year ahead of us. Iam sure the new Committee members bring a new set of skills and ideas to our Committee.

Next Wednesday 16th September we have about 18 players going to Frederickton to play the Bill Medley Shield. Dennis will be scratching his head while pondering which players to select for our Team. Iam sure whoever makes the team, will perform to the best of their abilty on the day.

Good Luck and Good Golfing to those players. 

The last BMS event for 2015 is at South West Rocks on Friday 16th October. The nomination sheet should be available soon. Talking of games away, the Taree game on Friday 25th September has not had a lot of interest so far, we will discuss at the committee meeting on Tuesday what will happen there.

Tuesday 6th October we host Kew Country Club Vets for the Wal Sneddon Shield final leg. It is a 8:30am Shotgun start, that sheet will open on 22nd September.

Unfortunately I do not have the results from Thursday Vets 9 Hole event, as I have been confined to the house with a slight bout of the flu.

That’s about it for this week!

Good Golfing!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday 8th September 2015, 2 Man Ambrose

Wauchope Men’s Vets Golf Club
Tuesday 8th  September 2015, 2 Man Ambrose
133 players
Followed by the 2015 AGM

Winners: David Mills & Quenton Henry 62 ¾ nett
Runner-up  : Warwick Hain & Ron Armstrong 64 ½ nett
Third  : Dennis Hughes & Rodney Allen 65 nett c/b
Fourth: Graham Cumming & Bob Dark 65 nett

Ball Winners: 67 ¾ nett
65 ¼ : Tony Ward & Bill Dixon
65 ½ : Mick Ashley & Bernie Stoertzer, Bob Maggs & Ian Lavender,
           Derek Foster & Tony Scriven
65 ¾ : David Robinson & Neil Jeffcott, Paul Griffin & Glenn Regan
66: John Hill & Gavin Price
66 ¼ : Ross Bird & Neil Hilder,
66 ¾ : Graham White & Bill Studeman
67: Rod Millican & Alan Lynch
67 ¼ : Russell Grunsell & Bruce Walker, Colin Goodrum & Graham Ward
67 ½ : Kelvin Kelly & Gary Taylor
67 ¾ : John Hough & Don Waugh, Bill Wagner & Ken Gallie

Nearest to the pin winners:
4th hole, A Grade, John Singleton (0.89m),  B Grade, Shane Bentley (1.4m)
               C Grade,  Bernie Stoertzer (0.52m)

18th hole, A Grade, Dennis Morton (3.03m), B Grade, David Flinter (7.3m),
                 C Grade, Fred Ertl (9.3m)

Next week’s event, Tuesday 15th September 2015  The event is a Single Stableford, Sponsored by Freddo’s Meats

Wauchope Men's Vets weekly update 06.09

Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golfers

To all those Fathers out there “Happy Father’s Day”

Looking at the sheet for Tuesday 8th September there is one vacancy, it is a 2 Man Ambrose, 8:00am Shotgun Start, followed by the AGM and lunch. Please be there early to pick up your card. We will do the same as usual, pay in Pro Shop, pick your card up outside Pro Shop. The AGM will be conducted in the Auditorium downstairs, please sign the register on arrival. Those members who have not received their 2015-16 membership card, would you see me, I should have one for you.

I need to apologise to a group of our members who sponsor an event. It seems we/I always seem to leave one off when announcing the sponsorship and with tradition I omitted one last week. The Sponsors for Tuesday 6th October are Ian Hackney, Jim Bransdon, Keith Martin, John Schubert. I thank them very much for their sponsorship.

I have the hit off times for our players who are going to Frederickton on Wednesday 16th September, I will email them to the players who are going up. I will say more about Freddo next week. It is on the Noticeboard at the Club.

The week of Golf concluded on Friday, it was extremely successful. This is a good money spinner for the Country Club, as most contestants are travelling in caravans and like to spend a bit of money in the Club. I would like to say the meal we enjoyed on Friday night at Week of Golf Presentation was superb, the Bistro staff went to a lot of trouble to ensure the night was a success, thank you Margaret and staff. Thank you also to John Uncle, Peter Abell, Dennis Hughes, Dawn Abell, Jan Grant and all the members who unselfishly donated their time to the many tasks it takes to make the day successful.

And thank you to Clark who was the major sponsor of the event, there were “On Course” vouchers everywhere and stayed open so the visitors could use the vouchers after the presentation.

Coming up :

Tuesday 8th September AGM and 2 man Ambrose, 8:00am Shotgun start.

Wednesday 16th September, Bill Medley Shield at Frederickton. I have submitted 18 names as our entry. Dennis will be contemplating selections over the next few weeks, it would be good to nudge ahead in the Shield at Fredo, going into the final BMS game at South West Rocks on Friday 16th October.

Tuesday 29th September, Foursomes Championships, Sponsored by Thompson’s Home Hardware, Wauchope. Eligibility applies to this event.

Tuesday 6th October, the 2nd leg of the Wal Sneddon Shield at Wauchope, This will be a 8:30am Shotgun start, we have about 50 points to make up on the top 20 scores from each club. This day is sponsored by Ian Hackney, Jim Bransdon and Keith Martin, John Schubert

Friday 16th October, BMS at South West Rocks

Tuesday 27th October is a 7:30 am Shotgun start, Best 2 of 4 Stableford, this is because the Australian Left Handed Golfers Championship has a 12:30pm Shotgun start that day. The plan is we will get out of their way early, for such  prestigious event.

Thursday on Tuesday 1st September Vets 9 Hole Stableford
50 Starters

Winners: Darryl Morrow 22 points, Allan Lynch 21 points c/b, John Brent 21 points c/b

NTP: Dennis Hughes 92cm

Balls to 18 points
21 points: Ken Bennett
20 points: David Cairns
19 points: Ross Bird, Ian Lavender, Randal Langham, Paul Hassab, Peter Kime, Justin Newberry, Neil Jeffcott
18 points: David Crees, Roy Stokes, Bob Baker, Al Muller, Allan Harris, Russell Harris, Ken Lane, Greg Stewart

I have not received the full result sheet from the Week of Golf, but will publish it as soon as I get it
That is about it for this week!

Good Golfing
