Men’s Veterans Golf Club,
25th June 2013
Stableford ,. 134 starters
by Muddles Farm Centre
A grade winners: Ken Gallie (14) 41 points, Alan Elliott (16) 39 points c/b,
Ken Hayes (16) 39 points.Ball rundown to 33 points c/b:
37 points: Eric Cork, John Uncle
36 points: Graham Ward
35 points: Warren Andrews, Roy Stokes, Bruce Wilson, Darryl Morrow,
Allan Lynch
34 points: Peter Mansfield
33 points c/b: Gavin Price, Norm Marchant
B grade winners: Derek Foster (21) 43 points, Neil
Grant (21) 38 points c/b,
Geoff Collins (22)
38 points. Ball rundown to 33 points:
37 points: Dennis Morton,
36 points: Peter Abell, Ken Bennett,
35 points: Kevin Miller, Jeff Palmer, Ian Hackney
34 points: Keith Martin, John Prior, Julius Dellicastelli, Bill Studeman
33 points: Colin Berwick, Evan Cunningham, Bob Dark
37 points: Fred Wells
35 points: Eric Pummell, Mal Rasmussen,
34 points: Max Livingston, Laurie Field, John Willis, Michael Grant
33 points: David Martin, Terry Seach,
32 points: Stephen Bryson, Gordon Miller, Bill Brown, David Pilley, Jim Pike,
Graham Haggerty
18th hole, A Grade, Allan Elliott (1.6m), B Grade John Prier(5.2m),
C Grade, Peter Page(0.68m).
20th June
Single Stableford, 54 starters
Winners: Jim Thompson 23 points, Ken Lane 22 points, Glenn Regan 21points
Nearest the pin winner Neil Hilder (0.32m)Balls went down to 17 points, on a count back.
Ball winners were:
20 points: Ken Bennett
19 points: Geoff Collins, John Brent, Neil Grant, Peter Brown, Ken Gallie,
Dennis Hughes
18 points: John Pyrnell, Peter Kime
17 points c/b: Paul Stewart, Ray Radcliffe
Next Tuesday 2nd July 2013 the event is a Single Stableford, Sponsored by Fredo’s Meats
Tuesday 25th June Single Stableford Winners L to R: Russell, Neil, Max
Note: Next weeks results may not be posted until Wed. 3/7